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Tikál, 244, 246, 249, pyramidal ruins at, 129, 182, 185, 230, scarcity of water at, 235, Indian attempt to form a settlement at, ib.

Tillandsias, 83.

Timber-trees, reckless felling of, 44.

Tinaja, Rio, ruins on, 252, (see Chacujál).

Tipu, 246, 247, 248.

Tlachtli, Mexican Ball-game, court for, at Chichén Itzá, 205, description of, 205, court for at Rabinal, 104.

Tobacco-plant, 237.

Tocoy, see Morazan.

Toltecs and Mayas, originally the same stock, 242.

Tomatos, 10, 237.

Tonalá, battle fought by Alvarado at, 61.

Tortillas, 19, 224.

Totoposte, corn-cakes, 164, 174.

Toucans (Rhamphastos carinatus), 120.

Transport difficulties, see Equipment.

Trapos (woven fabrics), search for, 71.

Treasure, mounds believed to contain, 86.

Trees:—see Fruit and Fruit-trees.

Acacias, 109. tree similar to, 106.
Calabash, 237.
Capulin, 113.
Cedars, 2, 140, 146.
Ceiba, 121-2.
Cheirostemon platanoides, 33.
Chichicaste, 72-3.
Coroza palms, 145, 147, 152.
Cypresses, 85.
Elders, 22.
Euphorbiæ, 112.
Lignum Vitæ, 110.
Mahogany, 146, 188.
Mangroves, 121, 187, 188.
Palm, 23.
Pine, 33, 38, 51, 59, 76, 82, 85, 86, 87, 100, 116, 118, 122,129, 145, 152, 182, 184. White, 85.
Ramon, 163, 171.
Tree-ferns, 91, 105, 155.

Trinquete Idol, the, 205-6.

Triponcito or pepesca, fish, 57.

Trogons (birds), see Aurora and Quetzal.

Troncoso, Señor, his researches at Florence, 206.

Tulija river, 245.

Turkey, Peten (Meleagris ocellata), 179.

Turtles, 4; the Great Stone Turtle of Quirigua, 151.

Tuzulutlan (tierra de guerra), missionary work in, 95-8; named Vera Paz, 99.

Tzimin Chae, idol, origin of, 246-7.

Tzutuhil tribe, 60-1, Alvarado's expedition against, 64.

UNICORN'S horn, uses of, 171.

Ursua, Don Martin, his expedition to Tayasal, 248.

Uspantan, 70, 76, 249; artificial mounds and ruins near, 80-1; writer's arrival at, 83, and quarters in the Convento, 84; preparations for the Jefe's visit, 84, 86, cooking a turkey, 85; search for ruins at, ib., suspicion among the villagers, in consequence of search, 86.

Usumacinta river, (see also Sepusilhá and Pasion), legend of, 121; 167, 212, 215, 241; insects and reptiles on, 215. Valley of, Maya migrations to and from, 243, Cortés loses himself near, 245.

Utatlan, capital of the Quiché tribe, 60, 61, 62, 249; described by Fuentes and Juarros, 66, 69, by Stephens, 68, sketch and plan of, by Catherwood, 69, a former stronghold, 70.

Uxmal, ruins at, 198.

VALLADOLID, early settlement at, 196, 198.

Vegetations, (see Flowers, Fruits, Trees, also Forests), 22, 23, 33, 44, 57, 58, 76, 83, 110, 112, 122, 146, 229.

Vehicles, 198, 240.

Velasco, Capt. Juan Dias de, annihilated with his force, 248.

Vera Cruz, landing of Cortés on Isle of, 244.

Vera Paz, (see Tuzulutlan), music of Indians of, 93; why so named, 99.

Vico, Padre, his martyrdom, 99.

Villagutierrez,—historian, 245, 250.

Violets, 102.