Page:A Glossary of Words Used In the Neighbourhood of Sheffield - Addy - 1888.djvu/123

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BUZZARD, sb. a large moth.

BUZZER, sb. a steam whistle.

BY-DYKE, sb. a feeder or narrow stream for a mill-dam.


BY GUY, an oath or exclamation.

BY JABERS, an oath or exclamation.

BY LEDDY, an exclamation meaning 'By our lady.'

I have also heard By Lakins.

BY NAH [be nar], by now, by this time.

BYRE, sb. a cow-house; a shed for cows.

BYSET, sb. a hollow or gutter across a road.

BY THE MASS, an oath.

'By the mass, man, oh loike to mak one in a show.'
Mather's Songs, 91.
This once common oath is still occasionally heard in Sheffield.

CADDIS, sb. a sort of woollen stuff.

Cadas, Bombicinium. Prompt. Parv.

CADDY, adj. in good health or spirits; contented.

CADE-CHILD, sb. a child brought up with excessive care. H.

CADE-LAMB, sb. a lamb brought up in the house.

CADGE, v. to stitch lightly, to overcast.

'I cadge a garment, I set lystes in the lynyng to kepe the plyghtes in order.'—Palsgrave. When a thing is badly sewn it is said to be cadged up.

CADGE, v. to beg.

'Soon he set off an' cadged his way to Edinburgh.'—Bywater, 130.

CADGE, sb. a cage ? 'For taking down the cadge, 0-3-0.'—T. T. A., 102. 'For the old pavers belonging to the cage, 0-2-0.'—Ibid., 103.

CAKE-SPRITTLE, sb. a thin board used for turning oatcakes while over the oven. H.

CAKING DAY, sb. the 2nd of November, All Souls' Day. Hunters MS.

The Soul Mass Cake is doubtless referred to. See Hampson's Medii Ævi Kal., i. 374. And see THARF CAKE.

CAKY, adj. silly. Johnny-cake in Evans' Leicestershire Words.