Page:A Handbook for Travellers in Spain - Vol 1.djvu/10

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the plains, and the mountains, of Switzerland, Italy, and the Rhine, we would remark that Spain in 1882 is as easy of access, as free from personal dangers, and in most respects well supplied with the indispensable conveniences of civilized life.

We would especially refer English travellers in Spain to § 17 of our Preliminary Remarks: a due attention to the hints as to conduct, &c., therein contained, will ensure deference, attention, and kindly assistance to both lady and gentleman tourist throughout the length and breadth of the Peninsula.

Errors and omissions may still exist in a description of a country so rapidly undergoing change, and the Editor urgently solicits the favour of Travellers sending him notes of any mistakes which they may discover while using this Handbook, addressed to the care of Mr. Murray.

September, 1882.