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Foucher, A., 32, 33; The Beginnings of Buddhist Art, 75 n, 106

Frazer, J. G., The Golden Bough, 10 n

Fresco-painting, 197, 198

Gadag, 88

Gandash, Chief of the Kassites, 9

Gandhāra, Hellenistic school of, 36; ruins of, 97; sculptures, 152

Ganesha, the god of Reason, shrine, 81; the Elephant-god, 190; legend, 191; sculpture, 192

Ganges, the, 45, 51, 54, 79, 83, 121, 123; valley, 182

Gangoly, O. C., South Indian Bronzes, 177 n, 179, 185 n

Ganōsis, or wax-coating, 53 n, 198

Gateways of the Sanchi stūpa, 29-32; sign of Taurus the Bull, 32; panels, 33

Gaur, 67, 121; history, 121; maritime trade, 121; Muhammadan buildings, 123; under the empire of the Great Moguls, 124

Ghaznī, in, 112

Girnar, 71

Goa, Portuguese colony at, 186

Godaveri, the, 210

Golkonda, 125

Goloubeff, Lieut.-Col. Victor, photographs, 188, 201, 202

Gopurams or gateways, 80, 85

Greek sculpture, ganosis, 53 n, 198

Griffiths, John, Ajantā, 201

Gujerāt, 69, 120; Muhammadan school of, 119; minarets, 120; step-wells, 121

Gujerāti dynasty, 70

Gunas, the three, 80 n, 173

Guntur, 93

Gupta period, structural temples of, 63; style of architecture, 64; royal standards, 158

Gwalior, 67

Hall, H. R., Ancient History of the Near East, 6 n, 10 n, 11, 59 n, 159 n

Hanuman, the monkey-god, 172, 190, 192

Hardwar, 45

Hariti, the Buddhist Madonna, 106

Harsha, Emperor, death, 52

Havell, E. B., Handbook to Agra and the Tāj, 134 n; History of Aryan Rule in India, 78 n, 118 n, 134 n; Ideals of Indian Art, 160 n, 164 n, 165 n, 179 n, 185 n; Indian Architecture, 121 n, 134 n, 141 n, 143 n; Indian Sculpture and Painting, 179 n, 190 n, 195 n, 198 n, 210 n

Hermitages, rock-cut, 24

Herringham, Lady, 202

Himālayan valleys, 13 n

Himālayas, 26, 75, 170, 174, 182

Hīnayāna school, 19, 46, 52, 58, 158

Hindu temples, 66, 140, 144, 197; the curvilinear spire, or sikhara, 7, 8; use of the lotus-and-vase pillar, 44; towers of victory, 69, 120; doctrine of the Trimūrti, 87; palaces, 99, 144; pleasure-gardens, 102; image-making, 113 n; belief in the unity of the Godhead, 188; painting, 205, 208, 212; characteristics, 209-11

Hinduism, ritual, 6; geographical distribution of the two main sects, 77

Hindus, Essay on the Architecture of the, 45

Hindustan, 125; conquered by Muhammadans, 84

Hiranya-garbha, womb of the universe, 62 n, 162

Hiranyaksha, the demon, 166

Hittites, the, capture Babylon, 9

Hiuen Tsang, the Chinese pilgrim, 110, 115 n; description of the monastery of Nālanda, 92, 96, 101

Horus, the Egyptian sun-god, 24 n

Hoysala Ballāla dynasty, 89

Hughly, 124

Humāyūn, 113, 117; design of his tomb, 131, 133

Husain Shah, Sultan of Gaur, 119

Huvishka, the Kushān king, 62; monastery, 190

Hyderabad, H.H. the Nizam of, 51, 79 n

Ibrāhim II, Sultan of Bijāpūr, 126; mosque, 127, 141

India, figure-sculpture, 36, 50; the Land of the Moon, 45, 210; introduction of the sikhara temple, 60; monasteries or universities, 91, 92, 110; debating-halls, 94; philosophical contests, 94; temple mandapams, 95; ancient monuments, 97; mosques and tombs, 105, 113, 116; Muhammadan rule in, 106, 123, 129; influence on the architecture of Islam, 108-10

India, Northern, Hindu temple architecture, 7, 29 n, 76, 85, 93; the Vaishnava movement, 58, 87; way-