Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1085

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pn Pt. pi. DOKh Ex 26 M || Q'OKin 3 6 w ; so rd. also (for EH3n)' 2 6 24 3 6 2,) (both P), cf. Sam Di Baen ARSK Bu ' I,B "- 661 . Hiph. bear twins: Pt. f. pi. nto-NTO Ct 5 5 6 fi . nwn, n:Nn v. in. row. t -: - t-: trt2Nri n.f. fig-tree, (then) fig (-/dub.; Ar. Lg, Aram. Wfi, )L'{1 ; perhaps Pun. pn (v. Lzb 383 ; i.e. PJ Eut, v. DHM V0J,a ), As. tittu, a tree ; Lag " '• M *■ combines 'n (precarious- ly) with -/(III) ilJN wee* opportunely, with ref. to fructifying of fig by another tree, cf. Horn aumu. u. Abh. i OHM), mo) ._ a b s . ' n j u 9 i° + ; s f. injxn i K 5 s + , etc.; pi. D*J**J Nu is 23 -!- ; cstr. W} Je24 2 ; sf. Da'JNn Am 4'; — 1. Jig- tree (ficus carica Post"'"" 30 ' H«t.DB.s.». Tr hub 3*0 M - Lean . Th-Dyer^'- 8 '"-*-'-, cf. Low' 335 ; oft. + |f)): Ju 9 1011 (in allegory), Am 4 9 Ho 9 10 Na 3 ' 2 1 K 5 5 2 K i8 3, =Is 36 16 , Mi 4 * Is 34 4 Pr 27 18 ; 'n nj$ Gn 3 7 (J) Jig-leaves, n'JQ nBJn 'nn Ct 2"; colli Nu 20 s (JE), Ho 2 14 Je 5 17 8' 3 ' Dt 8 8 Hb 3 17 Hg 2" Zc3 10 Jo i 712 2 22 V'i05 33 . 2. Jig, Nu 13 23 (JE), Je g 4 ' »«»* »' 29 17 (all symbolic of Judaeans), Je 8' 3 (nJKna 'n ptt), Ne 8 13 ; as medicament, 'n nbai 2 K 2 o 7 = Is 38 s1 ; W} nil33n Je 24 ! the Jigs of early ripeness (cf. Du). n*o«n v. 1. [iok], craK^i v. i. ntt. t iibtZJ ri2Nri on border of Ephr. Josi6 6 ; Qt)vatTa Ka ScXXijcra, A TrjvadarjXa, ©L envaeavrjKo ; ace. to Survey wp "- 232 ' 245 Wilson H«t.DBTA*K»TH-6H,i.oa Buhl G,!08r - ^ = mod. Ta'na, c. 7 miles ESE. from Nablus. I"™)^J-1 vb. appar. incline (perh. akin to Tin Thes; >Buhl denom. from "WH, q. v.); — Qal Pf. 3 ms. 'n, subj. boundary : Jos 18 14 , c.nloc. 15 9011 ; c.^...?*? v 9 *; c. i» only, i8 17 ; prob. also c. ace. loc. 1 9 13 (read Win "ittni njtel to Rimmon, and it inclined to Ne'a Di Steuern Benn al.). Vid. also [-i«n] Pi. infr. "H^n n.m. 1 * 48 outline, form (Ph. ixn; ace. to Schwally Idl0< - m prop, something gazed at, from V^tiT) = ChrPal Aram. »|1 gaze at); — 'n abs. Gn29 ,7 +; cstr.Ju8"; sf. nsn (Ges !93 *) Is 52 14 , i">Nn 1 S 28";— form, of woman, 'n n& Gn 2 9 17 (e'; +nsip, || later TW]> D^X i 26 , Lag 0r -"- 62:BI " 49 ), Est 2 7 ( + id.), 1 S 25 s Dt 21 11 ; of man, ICTty, Gn 39" (J; + n«"!D), cf. Is 52 14 ( + id.) , 53 3 '( + tU,-nn), Ju 8 18 , so also 1 Ch 1 v l7 (for MT -W) Klo Perles AMX68 ; 'n B*K 1 S 16 18 , "n-3iB 1 K i 8 ; iixn-np 1 S 28 14 ; v. La 4 9 (where by metonymy =aspect, visage); of cattle, 'n niQ'l Gn4i 18 (E), 'n niVT v ,9 (E); tree, nD< (JVl ttj 'n-na j e 1 1 16 (Du "n nB*fj, v . 46 20 ). I" flSril vb. Pi. denom. draw in outline, trace out ; — Impf. 3 ms. sf. WW?, Is 44 13 - 13 (both c. 3 instr.), of shaping idols ; for MT 2 mpl. IKTin Nu34 7 - 3 Che Knc '- Bll, - 2,,)9 prop. ri«nn ye shall trace out (the boundary; with DFnKni for on^Knrn v 10 ); v. also nan, mn. V" 1 .*^ v - 5^"" SUD V* n p. 357. -WZJNn v. subpefc] p. 81. TrQ.n n.f. ark (prop, chest, box (cf. NH nan); prob. Egypt, loan-word from T-b-t, chest, coffin (Brugsch, Erman ZMG "" <I89 °- m ) ; >Bab. word Jen ZA " (I88,),OTt Hal JA, - 1888<! ""'-" I>ec - , ' sl7 ); abs. 'n Gn f + ; cstr. nan 6" Ex 2 3 ;— vessel in which infant Moses was laid among reeds v 3 (made of papyrus, XO), v 5 (both E ; © ttfa, ^i;,cf.Lewy Fn " , " lw " )0 ); vesselwhich savedNoah and his family, with animals, during flood (® «/W<ir) : Gn 7 1 - 7 - 917 - 23 8 6 - 9 - 9 " U3 9 18 (all J), 6 U (made of 123 % SJ?), v 1415161613 " 7 131518 8 1 - 4 - 1619 9 10 (all P). n«inn v. nu. rttan Mm v. pa. irmin v. pa. no^an v. dh.

t : 

tlinn 1. mont. NE. edge of Great Plain, SW. of Sea of Galilee, on border of Issachar, Zeb. and Napht., mod. Jebel et-Tur; cf. Rel r ' U331ff Burckhardt 7 ™" 8 ' 332 * Rob 8 *""- 34 " Bad p.i. iud t .,..,. Bunl G« lg r. 10a g ACooke K »<»- B ">-. »'•;_ 'n(-pn J u 4 61214 ; 'n alone Ho 5 1 Je 46 19 Jos 1 9 12 - 34 (P), f 89 13 ( + ftoTTT) ; © ea/S^p (so Euseb Oaom -), but Ho Je IraPvpwv, and so Jos An,r ' '• » ' M '- bj ir.i. 8[mi .tc. ( ot he r Gk. forms v. Cooke 1,0 -). 2. loc. Ju 8 18 (too far away to be= 1 Be al.), GFM conj.-«ao (9 s7 ), Bu }*3? (9 50 ); © ea3«p. 3. loc. Levit. city in Zebulun 1 Ch 6 62 ; appar. = 'n rt?D3 Jos 19 12 , and perh. 'n v 22 (in Issachar), © enxx"", A ®L ea(3<ap. 4. arbor, in 'n fb$ 1 S 1 o 3 , near Bethel ; © 6a,^o>p. Snn v. by. ban v. fe. ^an v . bw. n" 1 ^^ v. [nb]. ^ v'nn v. 5fa. t|3jn n.m. E,S,1S straw (-/unknown; Ges al.cp.'nn (cf. Thes 1492 ), but v. Lag 33 " 38 ; NH= BH ; As. tibnu; Aram. N^n, j^£ t whence Ar. ^J as loan-wd. Frii 124 ) ; —abs. 'n Gn 2 4 25 + ,