Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1114

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v* c. adj. pred. Ezr 6', c. adv. phr. 5 6 Dn 4 m ; oft. periphrast., c. pt.: TO JPT let it become known 3 19 Ezr 4'"" 5 s ; so let it be given 6 s ' 9 , also 7" Dn 2 W . 3. be, as copula, c. adj. pred. Dn 2™" 7 19 ; so very often in periphrast. conj. c. pt., K?X 'n wish 5' 9 "" 19 , Tl PIJP behold 2 3134 7 1 "+,etc. . ttfin m. NTF f. pron. of 3 s. he,

• 1 

she, it (=BH KW, K*H ; Zinj. and Palm, (once) ICT, Palm, (usually) Nab. Eg. Aram, in, f. Tl, Lzb B7 , S-C*** 1 '™* 1 **- **. The pi. is P»K, q.v.);— ht, she, it, Dn 2" . . . KJ^nO WJTj and A« will change, etc., v K44 6 5 7 724 Ezr 5 s ; Dn 2 32 No!>X Wn that image (nom. pend.); 4 19 tWl nriJK thou art t*<. Resuming the subj. with emph. (BH 2 b) 2* 1 6 1 ' ; resuming the subj. in predi- cation (ib. 3 b) 2=° »n n^-n Kgrpap Nnoriri »< is his, v 29 . Anticipating the subj. (ib. 4 a) 2 9 Jiam tfn K"in ; with a pron. (ib. 4 b) 2 :,s . . . KVi nrut* </«>« art the head of gold 5"; 3 15 . . . r6« Wfl fO wAo is the god ... ? (so pi. p3N Ezrs 4 ); 4 27 • • • KVI NT K^n (16. 4by); 6 s7 . . . Kin *J wAo «... (ib. 2 c), Ezr 6' 5 (so . . . p3K "I Dn 7 17 ). [Cf. in X Ex I4 25 15" 2 S 20 19 24 17 ^43 2 63 4 66 3 + .] Affirming existence (BH 6 b) Dn 4 ». Cf. Dr'* 193 - 201 , K* 87 ' 3 . t [TOTl] n.m. palace, temple (As. loan- word ; BH ; also Palm, t^avi and t6in Lzb 2 9 SAC «");— emph. K^WJ Ezr 4" + ; cstr. Vn Dn4 26 ; sf. "^n 4 1 , !*&- 6 19 ; — 1. paZace of king Dn 4 126 5 s ' 6 19 Ezr 4 14 (v. n&D). 3. temple : a. in Jerusalem Dn 5" Ezr 5 14 * 15 6* b. in Babylon 5 14 "- . t["!j7rt] vb. go (BH; X; Syr. only Pa.);— Pe. syncop. (so X D» 70 - 9 , Eg. Aram. Cooke 209 , Impf. S-C 022 - 026 ' 29 ) go, of men : Impf. 3 ms. ipi (K* 44 *; al. ^lO'l) Ezr 6», ^ 5 s ; of in- animate things = be brought, 7 13 ; Inf. '=1l i 9? (K '■'■ ; al. 'H— ) v 13 . Pa. P«. lI^B walking about Dn 4 M (!>J loc). Haph. id. : Pt. pi. P?i>np 3 = 5 (tfaa); fig. 4 34 walk in pride (? rd. Pa. in these). t-q^H (K ,57o) ) n.[m.] toll;— Ezr 4 13a > » 2 «. ti?2n t (Ezr), jian s (Dn), pron. 3 pi. they, them (=BH On, non, q.y., but the more original forms. Eg. Aram, ion CIS 14584 (Cooke 207 ), ,49A1 , S-C P,|>C7 '" )+ ; not X Syr., which use P3N, »<£»( , OJ«, instead; Ar. ^ Li. The >i inftOQ, as in P"J, P.jW, by the side of nj, n^s, Jy • No" 86 W CGm );—they, (Amu a. as nom. Ezr 5" ^nnay ion 50rUN_ we are his servants (constr. as in Syr., No'" 21 * Mts", K* 87 - 3 ). b. as accus. (in BAram., as in Syr., there being no verbal sf. of 3 pi. ; so Eg. Aram. Cooke 7684 , S-C P " ,E5+ ), Dn2 34 ten npini and crushed them, v 35 3 13 Ezr4 10 - 23 B «""«» 7 17 .— Comp. |»K. t «3-3prr Qr (Kt NSJ-on, also [Gi] Nation, etc.) n.[m.J chain, necklace (Talm. N3?pn jjwBios. g yr l&J&Z ; loan-word from Gk. imviaKTjs K 564,4 ; or < Pers. hamydn, girdle [dimin. would be hamyanak] (whence also Gk. pav., Bev Dr Dn6 - 7 ) Andr" 60 * (rdg. K?2*«1) ■ v. also Behrm" Lag GMAbh - 40: *«•»«*•"»; v. Krauss 5f - (who cp. also Talm. P^D, P'^O necklace, bracelet, Levy "HWBm.52b.158b D»));— of gold, Dn 5 7 - 1629 . t|n conj. if, whether (BHjn,q. v.: Zenj. Eg. Aram. (S-C Pap - A7+ ), Palm. Nab. p, Mand. pn r7[S 0Jon use DN, S J " PS, Syr. v?']);— 1. if, Dn 2 6 3 1517 4 24 5 16 Ezr 4 13 - 16 5 17 , . • • K^ 10 Dn 2 59 3 ». v m N ^ jn ^ not 2 . repeated, }n . . . jn sire . . . sire, whether . . . or (cf. BH DK , 1 b 1 ), Ezr7 26 (so Palm. T,rlff " c19 ). 3. in indirect question, whether (cf. DK, 2 b) Ezr 5 17b . . . *rjH$ |n . . .igari^.— Vid. also ?nb. ppH etc., v. ybo Haph. imn (*/of foil., X innn, NH "innn reflect, brood impurely D WB " 2 ; Syr. »«»« is injure, irritate, quarrel PS). t [liTffl] n. [m.] fancy, imagining ; — pi. abs. Pin"in Dn 4 2 fancies (in dream).


, 1 conj. and (BH )), used mostly as in Heb., except that there is no 1 ' consecutive' ; — and, connecting both words (Dn 2 s ) and sen- tences (ib.). When three or more words are connected together, ) may connect them all (Dn 2 4 « gi^ or on]y tne two last ( 2 .7 3 * 4 4 Ezr 6 9) ; or the three last (Dn 2 37 3 21 ), or be omitted altogether (2 27 5", cf. 3 s Ezr 4'). ) also con- nects vbs., in cases where BH would use '), as Dn4 2 5 29 6 1724 ; in such cases a;;/, is oft. followed by a ptcp., as Dn 2 7 P"!»«<1 i3JJ, so v 10 3 9 ' ,6S4 + ,