Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1138

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tp^] vb. be hoary (v.BH);— Pe. Pt. subst.=«taers, term, techn., abs. K**pnj ^ Ezr 5 s 6 ; - s "; so emph. K^fr 5 9 . t [7Dl£H vb. Hithpe. consider, contem- plate (v^ BH I. be>) —Pt. ^f» Dn 7 ' (3 rei). t Unsafe) (K » 6 '- *>) n.f. insight ;-Dn 5" ,214 . t[K^] vb. hate (£ WD, Syr. |L» ; v. BH «?#); — Pe. Pt. pi. sf. T«JlP Kt, TJWB' Qr (K* W! -' A " m -")Dn4 lf, =%/o«s(BH3,MrSab). t lyto n.m. D " * w hair, of head (£ 'd, Syr.'«> ; v. BH I. -IVC);— cstr. Dn 3" f; sf. niVB' 4 s ".


NN&* vb. ask (v. BH) ;— Pe. Pf. 3 ms/tf Dn2 ln ; pi. Sji'Nf Ezr5 910 ; /nip/ 3 ms, sf. Ji33^ Ezr 7*'; Pt. act. bw Dn a"- 37 ;— 1. as& /or, request, ace. rei Dn 2 10 (? pers.), v"- 27 Ezr 7 ;l (sf. pers.). 2. inquire about, for, ace. rei Ezr 5 9 (? pers.); sq. orat. rect. v'° (id.), I [n ?NttJ] n.f. affair (weakened fr. question, inquiry, cf. Dr); — emph. N?^ Dn4 14 . t-1S©n.m. E ' r7ai rest, remainder (v.BH I. INt?; Eg. Aram. n. -|XB> Cooke 203 , vb. itCDB" 6« fc/< (outstanding) Cooke 4(M =S-C L9 , Chr- Pal. »U.) ; — 'V abs. Ezr 4'° + , cstr. v 9 + ; emph. NINES' Dn 7 7 ■"; — of a thing, remainder Ezr 7 1S •"; of cities 4 1017 , of persons v 91017 6 16 Dn 2 13 , of beasts f- ua . t32ttf (-/of foil.; cf. BH II. 33E>). [3'OttJ] n.[m.] flame ;-emph. VCpH ^ IQ'?^ Dn 3 M ; pi. abs."W n P??? 7 8 . tfrQltf'] vb. Pa. laud, praise (£ Syr.; v. BH II. rat? ( Aramaism)); — Pf. 2 ms. ^nse* Dn 5 s3 , 1 s. nPI3B> 4", 3 mpl. W& 5 <; 2»(. «c<. ra^D 2"' 4 s4 ;— prawe, c. i> dei Dn 2 a 4 304 ; 7 of idols 5 413 . t[02ttfj n.m. tribe (BH Bffi, ./lOS?);— pi. cstr. &"$* *D3# Ezr6 17 . t[JO#], only HjQtf &£ seven (BH L J'??');— abs.'tybef.n.m. pi. Dn4 1320 " 29 ; cstr. njOE 4 bef. n.m. pi. Ezr 7"; T^S "V??? ™ Dn 3 19 «<t-«i <jWs a6<we w/(a< (more than), v. "in, ./inN. t [p^ti**] vb. leave, let alone (X Plf, Syr. £»; cf. BH, p. 990);— Pe. Inf. pWt?)> Dn 4 ;s leave roots, so /mi), mpl. V^ v 1 " 20 (both c. 3 loc); *Ezv6 7 let alone, c.?acc.rei. Hithpe. Ttnpf. 3 fs. p3ne>n Dn 2 44 be left{oi kingdom, + 5>gent.). t[t#3ttf] vb. Hithp. be perplexed (J id., entangle, begxdle, NH BOB* confuse, dis- arrange; cf. As. iabdsu (sabasu), turn about; Syr. +SJL fatter, allure, Schulth"" m - *""■'•"'; so Mand. Pa. C3B> No" 49 ; cf. Ar. ^y. (as loan- word No Uc ) confuse);— Pt. pi. PfifBfQ Dns 9 . t^ttj] n.f. (royal) oonsort (cf. BH id.; -/unknown Hpt GuK!r ' Ne,l> - M conj. As. sigreti, harem-women) ;— pi. bC^H? Dn 5" WJ^jjjf v 2 3 . t["1"Tt£^] vb. Hithpa. struggle, strive (X id. Pa. wrestle, Ithpa. be recalcitrant, also ?"]&> Ithpa. strive, and so NH ty (b for l), Syr. ^U beguile, esp. Pa., v. No 2 " 01 " 1888 7 ");— Pt. ~nriB>0 Dn 6 15 he was striving, sq. Inf. JtnVWttjM n.m. revolt; — abs. Ezr4 15 - 19 . YXJ& (cf. BH id.);— Dn 2 49 3" + 1 1 t. 3. Dll^' (•v / of foil.; BH Bhtf, £>£>). tjlttJ, ntf n.m. six;— abs. TV? after n.f. A* A Dn 3'; JIB/'J'IJE' Ezr 6 la year six=sixlh year. t^jntf n. indecl. sixty;— 'B* PJ* Ezr6 3:l Dn3'; ]'Tpr) >V ftf 6 1 . fl. [mttf] vb. become like (BH I.niB*);— Pa. Pf. 3 mpl. •IS' Qr (v. foil.; > Pe'il "f Kt, v _ K M7Bei.pA.ndp.l75) J) n g^ acC- w j ( c Qy" fll. [mtC] vb. Hithpa. be set, made (Pa. *# inaL', Cappadoc. Aram. Lzb Eph - 1 " 7 ; cf. BH II. [Tn0$);—Impf. 3 ms. Tnrf] Dn s 29 , subj. rei + ace. be made into something (K* 84,3 ). plti' (-/of following; BH I. pis?, pii?). t[pt?j]n.[ni.] lower leg;— pl.sf. , nipB'Dn2 33 . t[-nc:] n.m. wall (cf. BH n.T*> id.i Eg. Aram.niB' RES m A 5i B ') ;— pi. emph. TV[-& Ezr 4">, K_ v"; v'- rd. 'ti ttr*V Qr, for '^X *T*> Kt. N , 32© , )t*j n. pr. gent. pi. the Susians, people of Susa Ezr 4", v. Nim (Dl 1 ^ 327 ; sg. j0Vff] Seheft 92 , = OP *JfM^ana-fe,/ron» Susa, so (as altern.) Andr* 85 *; cf. (on Elam. god &usinak) Weissbach A """'* ch,,1 " lc,,r - ,M Jen 1 ""