Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1144

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ADDENDA ET 25b. N 5: Nu 10' N? is rather 'in one (of the trumpets)'; Jb 33" it-in one way; Pr 28¹5 read prob. with Lag Dys Bi nya ; Ju 16 is rather 'vengeance for one of my two eyes' (v. GFM). Je 10³ na prob. in one, altogether. nN 7: transpose 'abs. Jb 42¹ (1. 5) to precede 'Ez 10¹' (1.2). - 26b. On pr. names compounded with , v. reff. given under ³ supr. NN, 1. 4, 5: read ‘Bar Hebraeus Chron. Ecclesiast. 11.23,' and del. 'in Euseb.' in 4, l. 1, del... or 27ª. ¡¹N: I, v. Norzi Nu 13,23 GFM Ju 1, 10 (after Ven.¹ Mich.). 28b, nyn: cf. Ar. | VIII, +1;=adopt, hence perhaps hath adopted. - fire-pot is loan-word fr. Eg. 'aḥ acc. to WMM OLZ 3, 51; Je 362 rd. VNI. 32b. 2 end: add Ho 11 acc. to Hi Ke, We Marti al. 3, l.1: ins. '15' after 1424,' and - 33ª. IV. № Jb 22%º: read perhaps (Me), ³x (Ley), with bom in vº. 35b., l. 5 from bottom: DN Ez 24¹7.22 is textual error; We (ap. Sm) DIN; Toy P D'İN (Ho 9¹). 38b. no: so read also || 2 Ch 2³ (MT). T: add Glas Skizze ii, 425, 433 1120 ,הֶעָרִים .rd עָרִים הָאֵלֶּה 179 c: in Jos אֵלֶּה 41b cf. 1712, etc. ( אל - - C: 51. 1. reads J ph: on etymol., and site of place, v. Da Nahum, etc., 9 ff. GASı Twelve Proph. 11. 791. At bottom, insert: biny v. sub L. ³. 49b, D etym.: add 'Onk. Jen. DN, Has. N.' D: Je 46 Spiegelberg Randglossen, 43 ft. NJ (as Na 3³) for №³ ji¤ş, and finds ( in both a Thebes in the Delta. .אין [CORRIGENDA 54, l. 17: ins. 'Jos' bef. 24¹' 1. 434, 7: v. also Brock ZAW xxv (1906), 29ff. (mng. "might' very dub.: renders belongs to the god of (my) hand, supposing phrase a survival, with orig. mng. forgotten, of ancient idea, found also among other nations, of spirits conferringi, Levy NHWBL 150, Iv. 17. powers upon particular members of body). . 45b. Dy: <= El is kinsman (v. Gray Ency. Bib. ANKI, NANES WITH Nölb. Names, §.46). 48b. I. [5], l. 5: after 'pers.' ins. ‘Jb 155.' 49. At end of II. ins.: [7²] vb. denom. Hiph. 144" niDD producing thousands (subj. ¡NY).' " 26 55b, 1. 9: Is 40% read probably EN (G). 9 57º. : meaning mountain-dwellers very dub.; on 'N=Eg.' A-ma-ra v.WMM Au. u. Eur. 299 r. =TelAm. and As. Amurru, v. Wkl Tel Am.36* Jastr EB CANAAN. 10 Say Hast. DB AMORITES al.; cf. also GFM Ju4,5 Dr D 1.7 Gray* Nu 13, 26 = Dt . 58b. III.[] Pu.: after ³ ins. '91¹⁰.³ 600. [,]: in Heb., vb. denom. fr. N. 61b. NO: perhaps apoc. theophoric name, cf. IND7. 62b. DN Niph. 1 end: add 's80DN Jb27¹⁹; but read prob. p=0" (Ex 57), & Ew De Di Du.' 66. [EN]: Dieulafoy REJ zvi(1888). p.cclxxv f. makes apadána, more precisely, throne-room, cf. Dr. Dn 11, 45 ● TAT 67ª. : Ar. in fact=milk (camel, etc.) dry, empty; sempty-headed man; this does not support be confused, helpless (GFM, privately). 67b. PEN: now prob. that 1 should include Jos 12¹8 1S4¹ 29¹ and 2 K 13" L; town not near Jezreel, but at N. end of Philistine plain; cf. Lc. We Comp. 254 Dr 1826, 11 RSOTJC 2,435 GASm Geogr. 400 f. Buhl Geogr. 212 (and N.) Bu RS 2351.;

more doubt-

ful are 1 K 20.30 2 K 13¹7 (Kit ¹ 20.6); these, with Jos 1930 Ju 1", might denote an Aphek near Jezreel. 1 K - - 1.8 from below: Jb 12" rd. perh. DN Du (v. also Bu). for,' thus: Syr. Lios (andia) PS 3073; 68. EN: read 'Syr.' for 'S,' and 'Talm.' Liaš Sota 9¹ and Talm. 9, Talm. also and ( 68b. EN: but Thes 612, Add. 72 del.лDN, and der. ni from ✔"b, so Ba NB I 1720; v. also, on las late by-form of b, DBMacdonald JBL lv (1886), 68 7. 70ª. 17Ņ: del. ‘also ➡j tie (a knot) Frey.” Şi 71¹. [8]: Vulg.Ar. -manger Mohit. 15 (GFM, privately), cf. Lane 5¹. 26b At the end : add 'also pl. лi 2 Ch 32² (read prob. D`y) ni Kit Benz al.).' . 72ª. 7:

Du¹.1(q. v.) makes 1,

+ afform., hearth (not + hearth from of El). 73ª. M, Il. 3, 19 : TN 139³ < Inf. cstr., and || "Y?"? (Inf.cstr. of II. ya), not '77, cf. Bae.