Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/1150

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a . pD?l, 1. 3: add 'X inD, nntps go about, -rinp=Heb.ap.' G97 b . 'nab : transfer to I. p,3p].

b . II. ^D, 1. 3 : add ' cf. sull, a round 

wicker basket used by women in Palestine for carrying fruit on their heads to market, Baldensperger™'" 90 '- 135 .'

b . nEJHP : cf. Syr. Jk'.f 9i,vr nr> brandies, 

EZ31 5 al. (PS 3966 ), from V&£-J*> propagavit, germinavit.

a . Drip: cf. As. bit sutummu, storehouse, 

treasury, Zehnpf BA81 - 5: ".

a . 1?V 2 end : add Je 2 5" 2 7 7 3°*- 

7 1 7 b . 12V 3, 1. 7 : Jb 1 4 5 is _pass over, beyond (cf. 1 i).

b . "DV Pi 1: after NH ins. ' TjaVO 

pregnant, Yeb 4 1 ' 2 7 3 Kethi 9 '; but note also that in i J and Talm. (both Aram, and Heb.) -Qyrnconcetw, "flay conception, 1?iV embryo.

b . i.iaj? 1 B ad fin.: cf. late As. ebir nari 

Schr KB lv ' 3M " ' fr ' bel0 ' KAT3 - ws,«s<

a . II. play] la: Je 14 4 < rd. nayi 

wn nonsn Du, cf. ®.

b . 1. IS, 1. 4 : add ' so Gn 49 s6 (rd.ny T)0 

for IS Tfa).' — 11. 15? : cf. 1 "1% booty, Is io 2 33^ + . 735", 1. 2 fr. below : ins. ' inorrb? TJJ ,/, 7 8 :, V

a . n;-)TJ? occurs also Je 43 s = ^TQ) 42 1 

(v. p. 2 4 b supra); and as friend of Daniel tDn i""".

a . 1. !!y 1 j, 1. 8: after ' Jb 14 3 ' ins. 

' by 'V D'fe> Gn 44 21 (J) Je 3 9 ' 2 40', + ruiob 2 4 6 , +nj?ni)Am9 4 ';andinl.9for'v 40 'rd.'2Ch6 J V

b . byp 2b(6)(y): Hg2 ,5ls and onwards 

(as/9) is more prob.: v. Now We K,p '° ph - edS(1898) Marti Dr. b noby.: for 'thick darkness' rd. < darkness, dusk, which suits both passages (Bev, privately). % 1. 7 : Is 57" © 93 Che H,,t Du Marti rd. Qby? for D^iVO, cf. I. [t£y] Hiph. f io

a . 11. [Dy] kinsman, later development of 

I DV RS KM ' 2nded.72

b . 1. [™??.] c : ins. ' Ec 7 14 side by side 

with, as well as.'

b . [D»y etc.] ad fin. : add ' Hiph. Pf. 

3 ms. Dtsyn 1 K 12" load upon (ace. rei + by pers.) = 2Ch 10".

b , 1. 1 o fr. below : bef. ' 29 12 ' ins. ' Jb.' 
a , 1. 3 : rd. ' * 9" (Kt), v 19 (Qr).' 
b . 1Vy : cf.As.usurtu,taboo$AC JAl!m - lb  
5 b . anpy : < [f.] as in NH Syr. Mand. Ar. 

(Levy gives Talm. [Aram.] as m., but are rdgs. correct 1), No (privately).

a .1iiy: perh.-/^Jc [runawayl^KV'^e 

schreien [DHM zu Asma'i, Parq p. 43] das audi vom Wildesel vorkommt Amra alqais 4. 21, Zuhairi 2K ' No FttDf Mo '*"' "' ' i lSE Wle,lcr AV - c,lll> .

a . naiyp ad fin. : add ' 3. order, arrange- 

ment : '133 Ju 6 26 in the (proper or usual) ar- rangement of an altar, cf.^Iiy 1 a Nu 23W altar.'

a . [Piy] = Syr. in Lexx., and Pa.; but 

Syr. usu.^e*, as X.

a . nb>y Ifiph. 2 f: transpose '+b rei' 

to follow ' be used.'

b . [##$]'. ace. to Jacob ZMG ,901 ' ,42: ZAW 

1902, 107 i e dark, cf. XB>B>y dar/cness, in Chr-Pal. _ [ruh^y] : < [Jinf y] Margolis (privately).

a . [^3], 1. 2 f. : rd. ' Syr. t^ become cold 

(Mt 24 12 ), fail, become weak, inefficient ; X 313 become cold, fail, be or (Pa.) make ineffectual ; NH id., fail, vanish.'

b "AS: Scheft 49 '- cp. Olran. fravi, etc., 

progress, fortune, fate, lot.

a . 1. ns : cf. also Baldensperger™" 905 ' 38 

(2>ah used now of a trap with a net).

b . "TOD Hiph.: cf. in Syr. PS 30 *'. 
b . "I?, 1. 1: after 'Makkeph' ins. 'exc. 

Gn 3 8 23 44 34 Dt 7 25 32 s7 [not Gi], Is 27 s Pr 25 s : Mandelkern Conc - *•'■.'

a , 1. 2 : bef. 'Pilp.' ins. ' Hithpo'. Impf. 

3 mpl. 'XXbn'l Hb 3 6 and the eternal mts. were shattered (al. V"p s were scattered).'

b , 1. 1 : del. '^8 6 (|p3t)'_ already given 

(correctly) sub 1 a. — ip& Pu. : Is 38 10 sense dub., Ges am (shall be) missed for ; Hi Di De Che 00 "" 1 '- am punished, mulcted of.

a . T}~)B : cf. Palm. -pis Lzb 554 Cooke 298 . 
b . [nns] Niph., Pi.: Je 20' rather be 

persuaded, j>ersuade ; Pu. Je 20'° be beguiled.

a . IS, 1. 12: tr. 'Dt3i 26 ' to follow 'at 

the side of