Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/146

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p 122 rw-p

' 27 s 2 Ch _24 u 25 s 3 1 1617 Ezr3 8 Is 65 s0 M ^rrp (son (man) of might) a 

prince of Jehoshaphat 2 Ch 1 7 7 . TpiVlS one of tribe of Judali 1 Ch 4=°. T "ipn - '|3. (son of mercy) an officer of Solomon 1 K4 10 . "HSJ^'IS (*on of my people) son of Lot by his younger daughter, and ancestor of the Ammonites (faiTI? v. ftej?) Gn 19 38 . tp"^l"' , 23 city of Dan (in As. Banai-barka COT Jos 19 45 ) Jos 19 45 ; — mod. Ibn Abrak, or Ibrak, c. i hour S. of E. from Jaffa, Scholz Be,,e256 Di, cf.Map Bd Pal & Survey Je52'; +4it.SKChof kings at accession; note esp. (inch in above) the phrase rOB* D , *)b'? I?*? "^ Ex 30" 38 s6 Nu i'+ 21 1. Nu 1-3+ 26" 3 2" 1 Ch 2 3 24 v 2 Ch 2 5 s Ezr 3 8 ; cf. Lv 2 7 7 Nu 8 24 26 62 1 Ch 23 s & without rbyo Nu 8 JS 18"; also rue 5 D'tfirp n$n nas* n-iby jap LV27 3 cf. v 6 - 6 ; rue 5 DHStorrp nvi r6yoi rue 5 Dt6tf pp Nu 4 s - 3 + 1 2 1. Nu 4 ; n^vcta bub 5 b^b 5 pe 2 Ch 3 1 18 cf.v 17 ; & n»o!a rue* cme-i; }apj> 1 Ch 2^. b. of animals, (Hex all P, inch H) iUBH? Ex 12 6 29 s8 Lv 9 s 23 18 " Nu 7" + 28 t. Nu 7,' 28, 29 ; also Mi:6:6; (Symbol missingHebrew characters) Lv:12:6 23:12 Nu:6:12.14 + 12t. Nu:7; also Ez:46:13.

Note.— (Symbol missingHebrew characters) appears perh. abbrev. as (Symbol missingHebrew characters) in a few cpd.; v. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) (=(Symbol missingHebrew characters)), (Symbol missingHebrew characters), (so MV after Schol. Hamâsa3 ed. Freytag; Ro{{sup|de libr .hist. interpr. Arab. 20. 21; but this is very uncertain, cf. Ol* 227 "-"- 613 ).— On Lag.'s explan.of UK in some as for pt* = p cf. Lag BNTO & v. -onN p. 4, etc., but this is dub. TjS a Levite 1 Ch 15 18 , but del. ® Be Ot cf. v 20 . tnnraM"]! (?) (son ofAbinadab) an officer of Solomon 1K4"; but cf. 31J'3N p. 4. T^D'IX'p (son of my sorrow) Rachel's name for Benjamin (cf. infr.) Gn 35 18 . TlIlS"^ (son of a man, or of Geber) an officer of Solomon 1 K 4 13 . T^jTR'p (?) (son of Deker) an officer of Solomon 1 K 4 9 .

T^n~p (appar. son of (god) Ha- dad= Aram. (Symbol missingAramaic characters), (Symbol missingAramaic characters) PS cf.BaeRel 68; alsoBab..Bm-acZcfo-«atanetc.,Pinche8 PBKeb - ,8fa71 ; As. Bir-Dadda COT 1 K 20 1 Hpt Hbrl886224 , but cf. © vlhs'Afcp, & Dl^ 11 - 1885 ' 16 "-; v. also Schr Kflj75ir.538f. name f or king of Aram Je49 27 ; in partic. ; — 1 . time of Asa & Baasha 1 K 1 5*"= 2 Ch 16 24 . 2. son of 1. (cf. 1 K 20 34 ) As. Bad-idri COT (Bir-idri Dl u ) jKzo 1 """ 6 * . 2 R fi 24 g;.., 3. g on f HaZael 2 K I 3

- 24a cf. Am i— Vid. Tin. 

TnniT"13 one of tribe of Judah, i Ch 4 20 nnirpi nnii ^ upi. TTin~pl (son ofChur) an officer of Solomon I K 4". t"i3B 1 Ch 24 2827 as in AV RV, but render: the sons of Jaaziah his son, & the sons of Merari by Jaaziah Aw son, cf. VB & Be Ot. t]pX?' , "03 a station of Israel in wilderness Nu 33 31 32 (= fPP "« nhK3 Dt IO«  q.v., p. 92; cf. also JjjgL 1 Ch i 42 = fPjn Gn 36", &DiNu 33 31 )- pQ^Sl Gn 35 18 + ; usually !P^3 ]s6 (son of (the) rigU hand) — 1. youngest son of Jacob, so called by him, but by Rachel, the mother, who died at Benjamin's birth, called Uitf'P (q.v.) Gn 35 18 ; own brother of Joseph On 35" 42* 43" 45"; cf. 42 38 45 ,6!M + ; name of tribe of Benjamin Nu i 11 Dt 27 12 33 12 Ju 5 14 + 23 1. Ju; 32 t. S K Chr; H05 8 EZ48 23 Ob 19 ^68 a 8o s ; P»» P. 3 (lit- Gn46 21 ) of tribe Nu x 36 2 22 ^60 26 38.41 J os ' l8 ».2> J U 2q3. 2 j 13.20.23 2 g 2 25 ^ 2 j*> j Qfr g 40 g 3.7 j j31 i2 ,7li0 Neii 4 - 7 - 31 Je6'; Ju i 2121 (but tTTIf «XJ in || Jos 15 cf. Bu* 87 ); explicitly i»U3 nap Nui 37 2 22 i3 9 34 21 Jos 2 1 4 iCh6 45 cf. Jos 21"; npp '3 »J3 Nu io 24 Jos 18 1121 1 Ch 6 50 ; '3 B3B 5 1 S io 20 - 21 1 K 1 2 21 ; observe also '3 , p3B'-^3 Ju 20 12 cf. 1S9 21 ; |0;j? B 5 ^ Ju20 41 1S4 12 cf. E*K pp;-pp 1 S 9 1 ; fpU3 p.S Ju2i 21 1 S9 16 2 S 2 1 14 Jei'i7 2S 32 44 33 13 37 12 cf. 32 s ; '3 ^33 1 S 10 s EZ48 22 (del. Co) v 24 ; >pu? rrs 2S3 19 ; n»a '31 flW iKi2 23 2Chn 1 ; in name of a temple- gate li'fyn '3 nye 5 j e 20 2 cf. 37 13 38 7 Ez 4s 32 Zc 14 10 . t2. a son of Bilhan and great-grandson of Benjamin 1. I Ch 7 10 . +8. a Jew of Ezra's time Ezr io 32 cf. Ne 3 s3 1 2 34 .— pa »a ;D'J3 i Ch 9 4 Kt rd. with Qr * 'WW Kff. tlpW-]^ from iP^? 1. 1 S 9 21 f 7 1 ; T^"? 3 Ju 3 15 2 S 1 6" 19 17 1 K 2 8 ; pi. W p3 1 S 22 7 Jui 9 16 ; "J^P; 33^ 1 Ch 27 12 (Qr Tp; pS); = ,, r^ (q-v.) 1 S 9 4 +.