Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/293

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269 -OT "ijt, TJt, v. subpr. I" [HDT] vb. be clear, clean, pure, alw. in moral sense (As. zaM Zim BP ; Aram . N3" 1 !, h j, *£ ? ; cf. Ar. Oi 6« bright (of a fire), pungent (of an odour) ; 60 acttie, quick of wimrf)— Qal Impf. 3 ms. rrap Jb 15 14 25 4 ; 2 ms. nstn ^51"; 1 s. interrog. '"I?}?? Mi 6"; — 1. 6e clean, pure, of man, in the sight of God, Jb 15 14 2 5 4 (in both l| pnv ; cf. also ttt I5 15 25 6 ). 2. 6e rfear, 6e justified = be regarded as just, righteous, of God, f 5 1 6 (|| pnvn), Mi 6". Pi. Pf 1 s. W?! ^ 73 13 Pr 20 9 ; Impf. ~n|P ^- 119 9 : — make or Tceep c/eara, ^wr«, obj. ^aj) i//- 73 13 (H'BS f n 1?)> obj. 'a? p r 20 9 (IppnnB);' obj. in-is-ns f n 9 9 . Hithp. Imv. Qin Is i 16 jnai« yourselves cfeora(|| Wrn);_onformcf. Ges* 64 ' 2 ' 1> ' Ben '- Ko Ub - ,3*5, 534 cu |129d. rrstot v. sub pr. T L^T^JJ ^b. be bright, clean, pure (kin- dred with foregoing. Only La Jb) — Qal Pf. only 3 mpl. 13? ; — 1. be bright, shining, fig. of splendour of nobles iWl? D*]*}? T La4 7 (||ins 3 ?C"?)- 2. be clean, pure in God's sight, of heavens Jb 15 15 , of stars 25 s (|p , '?K? of moon ; cf . also n|£ 1 5" 2 5 4 ). Hiph . cleanse, only Pf. 1 s. ! "B3 1'33 < Jb 9 30 , fig. of making morally spotless (|| 'nsrnnn). t "-TT adj. pure, clean; abs. 'H? Jb 8 6 + 5 t.; 1R Ex 27 20 Lv 24 s ; f. H3] Ex 3 o 34 + 2 t.;— 1. lit., pure, i.e. unmixed, free from foreign sub- stances, of olive oil Ex 27 20 Lv 24 s , of frankin- cense Ex 30 34 Lv 24 7 (all P and H). 2. fig., pure, clean, righteous (only Jb Pr): — of man Jb8 , (|p£), 33»(+Wfc $»; ||fin); assubst.= <Ae pwre, righteous i?5?B IB* 1J11 Pr 21 8 (opp. IH q- v -); of mode of life 1 T3? 3 1 ^'KTjV'? Pr 16 2 ; of modeof action (i^S) 20" (|p^); of doctrine ('?$) Jb 1 1 4 fljWH -ffl); of prayer 16 17 (|| VB33 D»n ity tn ,| 3'i3Tn.[f.]glass(5:Nn'313r;butv.Fra' H ); as precious (|| 3nj) ) yet of less value than wisdom Jb 28 17 . (Baer as above ; rV313] van d. H, al.) T^3t head of a family of returned exiles, ^l Ezr 2 9 (© Zokxov, ©L Zai<xawv) = Ne

14 (© ZaBov, A ZaKxpvp, ©L ZaKxawv) ; perh.= 

, ?!Ne3 20 Qr(Kt , 3] q.v.; @Za/3(p)ov,@LPa/3iSa<). T IJT vb. remember (As. zikdru, name, mention, cf. n. zikru, Hpt in K AT 2 aioui Lyon 6 " 1 - ; Zinj.-OT, Ar.JSi, Aram."^, i3», Palm. tU3"n monument, Vog" - M b ,T3n m«TOoWaZ,Vog N ' > - ", Sab. in^K!3T DHM I *- tolmo ) but Eth.Hh<J:) — QalP/. 3 ms.1Gn40 !3 -r ;3fs.n-l3rLai 79 ; 2ms. SI?!! Dt5 15 + ; sf. ^ni?T Gn 4 o 14 cf. 1S1", DPii3'i^88 6 ; 2 fs. lji"!?II s 47 7 57 n cf. if + Ez ^"•^Qr (both Kt W3T), "■)?" consec. Ez 16 61 ; 3 pi. n?t Ju 8 M + , etc. ; Tro/?/. 3 ms. 13^ Ho 8 13 + ; -I3r 2S14 11 Pr 3 i 7 ; 13W Gn8'+'; sf. rTJMJJ 1 S i 19 ; 2 fs."")?]" Is54 4 + 2 t.; 1 s.T3»N Lv 20 42 ' 42 Is 4 3 26 (^ 77 12 Qr v. infra), ~>3tN Je 31 34 , 131K1 Ex 6 6 ; sf. 2 DH.T)Dv f 42 7 , sf. 2 fs.^lSlK ^137' (v. Ges^^'Sta" 3 **-. 2 .* 3 **- 2 ), etc.; 7m ms. "Or Ex 3 2 13 + ; -13T + 2 5 7 + ; ni T 3T Ne6 ,4 + ; sf. ?J Ju 1 6 s +2 t.; mpl. ro| 'l s 4 6 9 +, njjj Ne'4 8 ; Inf. a&s.-toj Exi3 3 +; 13J Jeai^+j csir. 13]p Gn 9 16 Ez 23", etc. ; sf. *f$$l f 1 37 1 ; P< , ">3f^ 1 1 / 103 18 ; "W3T ^ io3 14 v.infr. — X. human subj. 1. remember, recall, call to mind, usu. as affecting present feeling, thought, or action : a. remember past experiences (ace.) Gn 42 s (E), 2 K 9 25 (ace. pers. agent); sq. cl. with D Jb 4 7 ; things formerly known (ace.) Je 1 7 2 ; '? JU9 2 ; with implied regret, longing Nu 1 i 5 (JE),^42 5 137 1 Lai 7 cf. ^77 7 , neg. i37 6 (II n3B> v 5 ); so(sq. 3) Je 3 16 (Hat> by TOJJ and Ipa). b. recall past distress, etc. ; obj. not expressed, La 3 20 (nar liar), Jb n 16 (nae* in || cl.); neg., sq. ace. Is 5 4 4 (Unas?), Pr 3i 7 (|| id.). o. remember sins, (1) to repent of them Dt 9' ( + rDETT^N, sq. cl. with -IBfc-nN), elsewh. only Ezek., usu. c. ace. Ez 16 61 (+^331), v 63 (obj. not expressed), 20 43 36 21 ; (2) to renew and repeat them Ez 23", neg. v 27 . d. esp. remember the dealings of ' expressed in great variety of terms in ace, Dt7 18 8 2 24 s 32 7 (|| pa), Is 46' 63 11 + 77 12 Qr (Kt Hiph. q.v.) v 12 105 5 143 s (|| TO, nni'B'K) iCh 16 12 ; negatively,Is43 18 (||«:3nn W), Ez 16 2243 ^ 78" 106 7 Ne 9 17 (|| VW*? «W) ; obj. cl. with '3 esp. D, Dt 5 16 15 1 ' 5 16 12 24 18 - 22 yjr 78 s5 . 2. remember persons (human subj.), a. to their advantage: — sq. ace. Gn 40 14 (E),v 23 (E; neg., || nat?), 1 S 25 31 . b. to make use of them (ace.) Na 2 6 . c. their acts (ace), to their advantage 2 Ch 24 s2 , to their disadvantage 2 S i9 20 (neg.); to take vengeance Dt 25 17 . d. re- member human obligations, ace. rei : D^nK TV^3 Am i 9 ; cf. perh. Est 2 1 (ace. pers. and also of deed); neg. Ec 9 15 (ace. pers.), yjr i09 16 (sq. TVpy lDn). 3. remember / ' 1 : a. call him to mind