Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/31

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* Jos 1011 (E) (cf. As. DlW58); lime-stones * Is 279. 8. in sim. (mostly poet.) of sinking in water Ex 155 = Ne 911; motionlessness Ex 1516; strength Jb 612; firmness , 4116; solidity (of ice) 3830; in prose, of commonness 1 K 1027 2 Ch 115; also metaph. of one in fear 1 S 2537 (i.e. petrified with terror, cf. Ex 1516 supr.); ** = perverse, hard heart Ez 1119 3626; * Zc 916 (of ransomed Isr.)—* personif. Hb 211 cf. v19; cf. Ez 1311 (v. 7 supr.) †9. In topogr. terms (nearly =; ** Jo 156 1817; ** 1 S 51 cf. 712, also 41 (We Dr); ** 1 S 2019 rd. ** v. G here & v41 (We Dr Klo); ** 1 K 19 (where WeSkizzen III,171 comp. Ar. Zuhal = Saturn).

†[אֹבֶן] n.[m.] wheel, disc.—Du. *1. potter's wheel Je 183 (two discs revolving one above the other; name from likeness to mill-stones; v. AW18). 2. * Ex 116 prob. = sella parturientis, = δίφροι λοχειαῖοι bearing­-stool, midwife's stool (fr. likeness to potter's wheel; on custom of labor upon stool v. Ploss Das Weib, 2nd ed. II, 35,  179 etc. & Cesnola Coll. fr. Cyprus, Metrop. Mus., N. York, No. 614, terra cotta fig. fr. 4th or 5th cent. B.C.; Descriptive Atlas of Cesn. Coll.I, pl. lxvi. No. 435; cf. W. H. W[ard]PESoc. 2nd Statement 1873, p. 76).

אבנה Kt 2 K 512 v. אֲמָנָה.

אַבְנֵט v. בנט.

אַבנֵר v. אֲבִינֵר sub II. אָבָה.

†[אָבַס] vb. feed, fatten (Mish. id.; ? As. [abâsu] DlW46) Qal Pt. pass. fattened, * of ox Pr 1517 ; * of fowl 1 K 53.

אַבוּס n.m. Pr 14,4 crib (= feeding-trough, on form v. Ges §84 a 12. R.) of ass Is 13 (cstr.); oxen Pr 144 (abs.); ** Jb 399 (of wild-ox).

†[מַאֲבוּס] n.[m.] granary (= place of fodder; ? As, bit abûsâti DlW46) pl. sf. * Je 5026.

אֲבַעְבֻּעֹת v. בוע.

אבץ (meaning unknown).

†[אֶ֫בֶץ] city in Issachar, * Jos 1920.

אִבְצָן judge of Isr. Ju 128.10 (LagGN 1381,19 (אֲ)בֶן צָן), G Ἀβεσσαν, S ܐܰܒܝܨܳܢ).

אבק (Ar. أَبَقَrun away (cf. LagBN 51)).

אָבָק n.m. Ez 26,10 dust—* Dt 2824 + 3 t.; cstr. * Na 13; sf. * Ez 2610-—dust (? fleeing, flying; syn. * = oft. dust lying on or composing ground) Ex 99 Ez 2610 Dt 2824 (‖ *) Is 524 (‖ *) 295 (‖ *); fig. of clouds under Yahweh's feet Na 13.

†[אֲבָקָה or אַבְקָה] n.f. prob. coll., cstr. ** Ct 36 powders of merchant = scent-powders. (On formation cf. LagBN81.)

†[אָבַק] vb. denom. Niph. wrestle (= get dusty, cf. κόνις, κονίω, v. also StrPirke Aboth, I,4 *** = sit at their feet; others, e.g. Di, comp. *). ** Gn 3223; Inf. sf. ** v26.

אבר (cf. As. abâru, be firm, strong DlW).

אִ֫בֶר n.[m.] pinions (fr. strength, poet. & fig., pl. in sense) as of dove ψ 557; eagle Is 4031; ** of king of Babyl. under fig. of eagle Ez 173 (‖ ** of broad, overshadowing wings).

אֶבְרָה n.f. pinion (nom. unit., poet.) of ostrich Jb 3913; * of eagle, sim. for * Dt 3211; metaph. of * ψ 914; * of dove ψ 6814; (all ‖ *).

†[אָבַר] vb. denom. Hiph. fly (= more pinions) ; of hawk * Jb 3929.

[אָבִיר] adj. strong; alw. = subst. the Strong, old name for God (poet.); only cstr. in ** Gn 4924 & thence ψ 1322.5 Is 4929 6016; ** Is 124 (cf. Che crit. n.)—BaNB 51 assigns this cstr. to *.

אַבִּיר adj. mighty, valiant—* Jb 3420 + Is 1013 Kt (Qr כַּבִּיר); cstr. id. 1 S 216; pl. * Jb 2422 + ;—mighty (alw. = subst. & poet. exc. 1 S 218). 1. men Ju 522 Jb 2422 (=violent) 3420 Je 4615 1 S 218 (rd. ** Gr Dr, cf. 2217; but LagProbebibel ** v. Id.BN45; Klo *), La 115; ** stout of heart Is 4612 (= obstinate) ψ 766. 2. angels ψ 7825 (cf. 10320). 3. animals; bull, sim. of king of Assyr. Is 1013 (rd. * & v. Di); elsewh. pl.; metaph. for enemies ** ψ 2213 (‖ *) ; for princes ψ 6831; for Edomites Is 347; hence even as sacrif. ψ 5013 (‖ *) ; of horses Je 816 473 5011.

אַבְרָהָם v. אַבְרָם sub II. אבה.

אַבְרֵךְ proclaimed before Joseph Gn 4143 (mng. dub.; many Egypt. deriv. proposed ; e.g. a-bor-k, Copt. = prostrate thyself ! BenfeyVerh. d. äg. Spr. z. Sem. 302f; āprek, = head bowed ! ChabasRA I,—but ā = ע, v. also WiedemannAltäg. Wörter 1869; apreχ-u, head of the wise, HarkavyBerl. äg. Zeitschr. 1869;