Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/338

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D3n f[HDn] vb.wait,await — QalP^.pl.cstr. ^ n Is 30 18 , with p waiting for him (). Pi. nan Jb32 4 ; nn?n 1//33 20 ; wan i S 8 17 ; »n ,/, 106 13 ; van 2 K 7 9 ; /mp/ nan; i s 3 o 18 ; nann 2 K 9 s ; Imv. 'nan Hb 2 3 ; Ein Zp 3 8 ; /«/ cstr. 'ana Ho6 9 (Ephraimit. for nan 1) ; Pi. nano Dn ia B j cstr. nano i s 6 4 3 ; pi. D'ano Jb3 n ;— 1. wait, tarry, abs. 2 K 9' tarry not; with 15? till morning light 2 K 7 9 ; c. ace. 2PM nx DH3T3 Jb 32 4 tarry for Job with words. 2. wait (in ambush), DHV1? B*K 'ana Ho 6 9 as marauding bands wait for a man AV HV De, or as marauders lie in wait Hi Ew (taking B*N as cstr.) 3. wait for, long for, with p for * Is8 17 64 s Zp 3 8 V'SS 20 ; for his counsel yfr 106 13 ; for bis vision Hb 2 3 ; for death Jb 3 21 ; D33Jn? nW' nan' Yahweh waiteth to be gracious itnto you Is 30 18 (Di regards this as threatening and refers it to 1); abs. waiteth (and cometh to the days of blessedness) Dn 12 12 . rJl v. sub "]jn. DI1 ("/of foil.; cf. Ar. iL iv. be confused, vague; il>*j>. barbarousness, or im- 2>ediment in speech ; As. akdlu, be gloomy, eklu, dark,eklitu,darkness,Dl in Zim Bpll6 ' w - 385tt , cf. Jager 1 ^"- 282 ). t i~! ^DPl (dark) a hill in southern Judah, on edge of wilderness of Ziph 1 S 23" 26 1S (Glaser sklK ' , "' s!!6 rd8. also for n^in, q.v., in I S 15 7 ); © Ex«Xa (26 1 B XfX/zafl, A A X ta). t^S^bpn adj. (dark) dull, from wine, 'n f*D tWS? Gn 49 12 . T JTl 7 s - 2n n.f. dulness, of eyes in drunk- enness,: D^V?' 2 , opPr2 3 M (v 30 |^n-75)Dn_nsD^). Ti"p72n (rung, dub.; perhaps nan TV*? wait for Yahweh, -/nan, so We i) — father of Neliemiah Ne i', © X«Xic(f)ia, ©L Xfiuas(ov), N A Ax«Xm; IO 2 © A^fXm, A ©L A^aXia. tDDn vb. be wise (NH id.; Aram. pL, Dan id.; Zinj. noan wisdom, DHM 1 ™"'*'; As. hakumu, know (with exceptional n v. Dl Prl78f ); Ar. S^>. restrain from acting in an evil manner, judge, govern ; iv. make firm, sound, free from defect by the exercise of skill) — Qal Pf. 'n Pr "; 3 fs. roan' Zc 9 2 ; noan p r9 »-» etc.+ 3 1. Pf.; Impf ciam p r 9 9 n"; D?n;i 1 K 5"; Dam p r 2 o' + ; DJjrn p r 13 20 ; Danri p r I9 »; n ?;, n ? Ec 7°; pl- A, »2 n .1 Jb32 9 ; Imv. D?D Pr 27' 1 ; Dan p r 6 6 23 19 + 13 20 Kt; WgH Pr8 ?i ;— be or become wise, act wisely Dt 32 s9 (poet.) 1 K5 11 Jb32 9 Pr6 6 8 33 9 91212 i3 20 19 20 20 1 21" 23 19 27" Ec 2 15 7 23 Zc 9 2 ; ^37 Dan'DN •/ thy mind be wise Pr 23 15 ; c. ace. ncanB' Ec 2 19 wherein I have acted wisely. Pi. Impf. D3IT

  • 105 22 ; sf.woan; jb 35 " ; *jjpsnn + 119 ™ ; a li

ma&e ttise, teach wisdom, c. ace. Pu. Pt. made wise, intensive, as it were the embodi- ment of wisdom Danp Dnan -iain ^s 6 , pi. nan DVOanD D'Oan Pr 30 2 * (of 'intelligent animals). Hipli. Pt. cstr. VIS nO'Srip ^ 19 8 making wise the simple. Hithp. Impf. i? HDannj Ex I 10 (E) let us deal wisely (shrewdly) toward it (the people); 2 ms. DannPl Ec >j K make or sliew thyself wise. tQDn adj. wise, 'n Dt 4 e + 67t.; cstr. Djnis3»+9t.; pi. D-oan Dti 13 + 39 t.; cstr. 'Can Ex28 3 +4t.; sf. ff?q Is 19 12 etc + 8 t.; f. noan 2 S 14 2 20 16 ; cstr. hpan Ex 35 s5 ; pi. ntoan j e 9 16 ; wtr. ntoan j u f> p r 1 4 1 (but rd. moariDe); — 1. skilful in technical work; arti- ficers IS3 3 ; sailors EZ27 8 , so (prob.) v 9 ; mourn- ing women Je9 16 ; artisans of tabern. and temple and their furniture Ex 28 s 31 6 35 10 36 1 ' 248 (P), 1 Ch 22 15 2 Ch 2 6121313 ; women in spinning Ex 35 25 (P); goldsmiths and other artisans Je 10 9 ; makers of idol-images Is 40 20 . 2. wise in the administration of affairs : Joseph in Egypt Gn 4i 33 - 39 (E); heads of tribes Dti 1315 , judges 1 6' 9 ; of David 2 S 1 4 20 , of Solomon 1 K 2' 3 12 5 21 =2 Ch 2 11 ; the prince of Tyre, in satire Ez28 3 ; of kings in general Pr20 26 ; class of political advisers of Judah Is 29" Je 18 18 , appar. also Iss 21 ; of Egypt Isi9 luU2 , Edom Ob 8 , the nations Jeio 7 ; so of God IS31 2 . 3. shrewd, crafty, cunning: Jonadab 2 S 13 3 ; the princesses Ju 5 29 ; HDan nB>K wise vjoman 2Si4 2 20 16 ; gen., Je9 22 ; intelligent animals Pr 30 24 ; DD1J73 'fl la? taking the cunning in their craft Jb 5 13 ; 'J'jn Dan wise in one's own eyes Pr 3 7 26 61216 28"; 3? 'D3n wise of mind (in their own mind) Jb37 24 . 4. pi. class of learned and shrewd men,incl.astrologer3,magicians and the like, of Egypt Gn 4i 8 (E), Ex7 n (P : cf. Is 19 111112 ); Babylon Is 44 25 JeSo 3 ^! 57 ; Persia Est i 13 6 13 . 5. prudent, towards king Pr 16 14 ; in controversies Pr 1 1 29 29 8911 ; religious affairs Hoi3 13 i4 10 Je4 22 8 8 - 9 Dt4 6 32 6 ^107"; uhx 'n Je 9". 6. wise, ethically and religiously, in WisdLt : a. as adj., 3? Dan wise of mind Pr