Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/369

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rptton 345 trPttfen, mttJDn n.f. freedom, separate- ness, only rWfinn rV3 2 K 15 6 = 2 Ch 26 s1 Qr (Kt niB'snn) i.e. (si vera ].) a separate house — a house apart (on account of his disease). yn v. sub p*n. T [jiM J JSM vb. hew, hew out, cleave (NH id., Aram. 3Xq ; SI 4 - 6 pt. pi. D3Vrtn ; cf. Ph. 3YTO=Heb. id)— Qal Pf. 3xn I s 5 »; rmn Pr Q i; TOSH Ho 6 5 , etc.; Imp/. 3itmi 2Ch26 10 ; 2 ms. 3iflW Dt 8 9 ; Inf. cstr. 35fr£' Je 2 13 ; 3ivn£ 1 Ch 2 2 2 ; Pt. act. 3SPI Is io 15 + 4 t.; cstr. nsh Is22 16 ; B»3Xh iCh22 2 +3t.; ^XH 2K12' 3 ; pass. WWq Dt 6" Ne 9 s5 ;— 1. fa* out, (dig), wine-vat 3j£ Is 5 2 ; sepulchre ("Oj?) Is 2 2 161fi ; cisterns nin'3 Dt6 n " 2Ch26 10 Ne9 25 , cf. Je2 13 ; of mining niSTU Tin nmno Dt 8» out of its mountains thou mayst hew out copper. 2. a. hew stone 1 CI122 2 ; metaph. of pillars 'Pro 1 (subj. wisdom); elsewhere pt., hewer of stone 2K12 11 iCh2 2 216 (v. SI 46 supr.); prob. 1K5 29 2Ch2 117 (in3'n v .Be),cf.24 ,2 Ezr3 7 . b. appar. hew wood Is io ls to 'n (i.e. ?}"I53). 3. metaph. hew in pieces Ho 6 5 fig. of ^ attacking people by agency of prophets (|| D^Hlj) ; divide, cleave subj. /( >'s voice ^29' obj. tS*K ni3!"i?, i. e. the thunder of his voice sends forked lightnings (but on txt. cf. Che and crit. n.) Niph. Impf. P35TIT be cut, hewn, graven (words on rock) Jb 1 9 24 . Fn. Pf. DFOJm Is 5 1 > fig., hewn out of rock (of Isr.'s origin ; || "igJ). Hiph. Pt. n3SnD Is 5 1 9 hew in pieces = Qal 3, fig. of destroying 3m = Egypt (cf. ^ 89 11 ). T22rro n.[m.] hewing, alw.'D *}2&=hewn stones 2 K 12 13 22 6 =2 Ch 34 u (in all ||075>). tJlXn vb. divide (NH id.; Ar. Jki is be fortunate, happy with one's husband or wife, etc., i. e. have a share in happiness ; OlL a small arrow; Di m puts here Eth. rfiR"; arrow, cf. Wn)_Qal i>/. HSPI Nu 31 42 ; rpfp) consec. NU31 27 ; wni consec. Ex2i ss ; Impf. nsn^ IS30 28 ; r0hGn32 8 +2t.; DSn»1 Ju 9 43 ; WSJfSS"; l«n;Ex2l 36 ; WJb^;- 1. divide, sq. «1D3 Ex 21 35 ; "ills' v 35 (both JE), |JTlj> crocodile Jb40 30 ; prey, mp?D, Nu3i 27 (P; c. p before parts); a company of people Gn32 8 (sq. 3 as foreg.), 33 1 (both J) Ju 9 43 (j> as foreg.) but cf. 7 16 . 2. (appar. denom. fr. 'Sn) f 55 s4 DiTD 'rP N? sAaW wo< Aafoe <Aet'r days, i.e. enjoy rrsno even half of the normal number ; Is 30 28 iy 'IT "1N1X shall halve unto the neck = shall reach to the neck and so divide the man in half. Niph. Impf 3 fs. apoc. JfWl Dn 1 1 * be divided (of kingdom), sq. !» ; D^J 'OB'? T.J? WIT si>1 Ez 3 7 s2 (Judah and Isr.) ; waters of Jordan 2 K 2 8 - 14 . t [ni^n] n.f. (Inf. form.) division, middle — only cstr. nT?n n5fn Ex ll* (3) = midnight; r$£ nisn Jb 34 2 » ^ n 9 « 2 ; i u all = adverb, phr. of time (3 om.) "$n m n.m. 1 "' 1212 half (NH id.; Ph. «m; on format, v. Lag BNUS )— abs. 'XH 1 K 3 3Si + 3t.; 1JRJ i K io 7 , cf. 16 21 ; »xnj EZ40 42 ; wn Dn i2 7 + 13 t. (usu. c. Pashta or Tiphcha), cf. Wns 2 Sio 4 iChi 9 4 ; cstr. "5fn Ex ^-h 8 4 t.; sf. i7n Ex 3 8 4 + 7 t. + Jos 8 s3 VftTfJ) (but art. suspicious v. Ges SI27E3 ' 4 ); ITXn'Ne^ 38 ; &$} 2 S 18 3 ; Djxn Zc i4 8 - 8 + 2 t. — 1. half of any- thing: — blood of offering Ex 24 s - 6 (JE), beard 2 Sio 4 , a hin Nu 15 910 28 14 (P); curtain Ex 26 12 (P); week jn3tS i n 'n Dn g v etc.; ITON 'n lialf a cubit Ex 26 16 36 21 (P) + ; esp. MIS' 'n half a tribe Nu 3 2 33 34" 1415 (P) + ; half of peo- ple 2 S 1 8 3 1 9 41 1 K 1 6 21 - 21 - 21 + , etc. so nimen 'n 1 Ch2 52 and w>3 T 3 T. v 64 (v. Be and nn:o sub n»).— On Wn33 1 S 14 4 v. We Dr. 2. middle TV'bn 'it Ex I2 M (J) midnight, so Ju 16 33 EU3 8 ; of garments 2 Sio 4 1CI119 4 ; altar Ex27 6 ; of the Mt. of Olives Zc 14 4 ; V 'n ifr 102 25 <Ae »itd«< of my days (when they are but half done), Je 17 11 . nirosn ^n i ch 2 62 , and woon *sn v* 4 , v. nruo sub rw- t"»sn n.m. 2K9M arrow (cf. Ar. ijkL, Eth. rf>»: trf., Di 134 , and v. Dr on 1 S20 36 )— abs. Iffe 1 S 20 S6 - 37 - 37 + v 38 Kt (Qr D'Jfnn), perh. also v 2122 (so ®We, for MT pi. D'Snn), 2 K 9 24 ; the usual form is fO ; v. infr. t^rr, ^WWf; (God divideth, apportioneth) — son of Naphtali ; / ?TI' Gn 46 s4 (® A<r<^X, ©L Ia<7/3^X), Nu 26 48 (2ai;A, A<r»ijX) = "Wl I Ch 7 13 (l«<rujX, ©L Ia<T(r»i,X). t^7St!Jn^ adj. gent, of foregoing; only c. art. as, Nu 26 48 . tTOTO n.f. half, of spoils;— abs. nsnc Nu 3 1™ '{ cstr. nsnD Nu 3 1 43 (both P). trVSTO n.f. half, middle— cstr. ITSTO