Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/565

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ich Ugh adj. taught;—'^ Je 2 24 ; pi. frful? Is5o 4 - 4 ; cstr.H*£ Is54 13 ; nai» Je^ 2 "; •£*!»!> Is 8 16 ; — 1. taught, as disciples Is 8 16 50 44 54 13 . 2. accustomed to something, "I3"TO "IE? Je 2 24 (wildass)accwsto»iecZ <o the wilderness; jnn 'IB? 1 3 s3 accustomed to do evil. t ["rp^D] n.[m.] ox-goad ;— cstr. ipi 5 ? Ju 3 31 . t"TO7fl n -f m -] scholar (late; NH) 1 Ch as 8 .' " nob, nob, no 1 ?, nab v.n?4i T I " T ' T T ' T T T IO7 poet, for ?, v. p. 518 a. t^WWD?, 7NiQ7 king of Massa (prob., v. kV°)J *£ Pr 3 1 1 , 'ioi> v 4 . ^AiTD 1 ? Ne 1 a 38 rd. i>KB0, v. j>N»B T7JD7 (on orig. form cf. Lag BN ' 7 ; conj. as to meaning Bu^" " 102 - 129 );— ^ Gn 4 19 + 7*-; ^ 4 18 +2 t.;— 1. son of ^KWip (Cainite) Gn 4 ">-«»-a-a-* (all J). 2. son of n^np (Sethite) Gn 5 »-»-»'o-»> (all P), 1 Ch i 3 . ]y*37 v. jyo sub njy. 5*S v. sub I. 8&. tp.J/7] vb. jest (NH Hiph. id.; X 3yp Ethpa. id.; Syr. ,-» Ethpa. mock, delight oneself, be greedy; Ar. l^-j«J ^ay, sport, jest); — only Hiph. P<. '? tJ'aypp vrm 2 Ch 36 16 and they were (continually) making jest at the messengers of God. t [}}? 7] vb. mock, deride ; also (Niph.) stammer, poet. (NH Hiph. id.; % 3yp Aph. id. ; ^Sit stutter (cf. NH &J? mock, X && id. ; Syr. ^T^v stutter, Ar. '1$ id.));—QalPf.

fs. nwl? 2 k i9 2, is37 B ; 7mp/. -ayp? Jb 22" 1 

^ 2 4 , Jjfe Jl> 9 13 ; 3 fs. 3ypn Pr 30 17 ; 2 ms. 3yi)n f59 9 , 'V Jbn 3 ; 1 s. 35?p« Pri 26 ; 3 mpl. -«yj>- f 80 '; ^<- 3 $ P rI 7 5 Je20 7 ;— mock, deride, have in derision, of Jerus. triumphing over enemy (c. ? pers. vel rei) 2 K io 21 =:l8 37 s2 (|| ma); of the innocent Jb 22" (|| nc'c); of God (c. b) 9 23 ^ 2 4 59 9 ; abs. of wisdom Pr i 26 (|| prw);


of wicked (c. p) Pr 17 6 (|| nob*), 3o' 7 (|| tin), Je 20" (|| pnc); so also perh. ^ 80 7 (read W for i»b with @ @ 33), cf. (abs.) Jb 1 1 3 . Niph. Pt. fMSO 3yi>3 . . . Dy Is 33" a people stammering of tongue (i.e. barbarians, cf. v ft ; but rd. 3?y3 [ Viby] Gi- 3 " -"*" 1 "- "**•*■; || na^ 'ppy). Hiph. (late; cf. NH) Impf 3 ms. a*;?!? Ne 3 s3 ; 2 ms. Vypn Jb 2 1 3 ; 3 mpl. Uyp! f 22 s , «?!n Ne 2"; Pi. D'aypp 2 Ch 30 10 ; — mock, deride, always in bad sense: c. p pers. Ne 2 19 (|| nt3), V'2 2 8 ; c. ~7g pers. N6 3 33 ; c. 3 pers. 2 Ch 30 10 (|| pViBTi); abs. Jb 2 1 3 .— So also V$ (or 3yp?) Pr 18 1 for MT VW Gr'- C - (v. y^3, p. 166 supra). TJJr? n.[m.] mocking, derision, (bar- barous) stammering ; — abs. '7 Jb 34 7 + 2 t. + ^ 123 4 (flQ MT cstr. c. art.— so Ko Srnt - t3l>38 — but prob. insert ? foil. Hup Now Bae, cf. also Ges* 1278 ), + Ez 2 3 32 (but del. ©BHiCoBerthol), + 36 4 (where Co reads y?3, but less prob., cf. Berthol); sf. D}$ Ho 7 16 (v. infr.); pi. cstr. 'jy) Is 28 12 (v. infr.); — 1. a. mocking, derision, tJt 1 23 4 (|| T13); so appar. c. sf. as gen. obj. H07 18 (but very dub., probably corrupt, cf. We Now) ; nearly = 6fo»p/t«TOyJb34 7 . b. = obj. of derision ^44 14 =79 4 (||nBin,Dbi5); so also Ez2 3 32 (||pnv; si vera 1., v. supr.), 36 4 . 2. stammerings (of barbarous language), risk 6 Is 28 11 (|| |**$ nins ; so Ew Brd Di Hup-Now* 35 ' M , De al. sub 3yb); but Gr" 0MUKhr - "breads l!>y, Vlby. t [23?7] adj. mocking, only pi. cstr. as noun (si vera!), 3iyp *}$ + 35" mockers of 3iyp (q.v.), but text dub.; Che reads Vjjj?, Schwally zaw .1.1890. 268 yj£._To [J$] is also referred *lj& Is 28" by Ges^De Che Du, < sub i& q. v. t niy 7 a man of Judah 1 Ch 4 21 , (S) MaBaO, A Aa8a, ®L Aa8i?(. tpJD 1. an Ephraimite 1 Ch f 26 ® Aa«(8)a V . 2. a Gershonite 1 Ch 23 7 ' 8 - 9 2& MM @ V.Rcw, A A(f)a8av, XaSav, ®L Aaadav. t[U/7] vb. talk indistinotly, uninteUi- gibly (NH id., in deriv. (ty? foreign language, ftyp foreigner), also murmur, remonstrate; Syr. fcafcfr ,nl1 ' indistinctly; Ar. JXJ distort; obscurely, ambiguously) ; — only Qal Pt. VP Dy ■^r 1 1 4 1 a people talking unintelligibly On? )-