Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/704

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™ (read ntay) Ez 31 10 ' 4 and t< stretched its top amid the clouds. z. combinations are : W) "rh W3DJ> La 3 s0 (humiliation), cf. Is 50 6 ; ttpft nv>b sjr>3 Zc7" (of stubbornness), so Ne 9 s9 (iptypn DB-jV); also niV &$l 2 Ch 29° gave, i.e. tonicd (their) back (on'i; || Dfj^f «B»1 "< &ffy?); of compact, ir n S "J? 2 K io 15 cf. v is , soT «n3 D^SO Las 8 ; of submission, njlJJ HT Je 5o 15 = s/te (Babyl.) 7ta<A surrendered; pTJWj 2Ch30 8 =*u6n^^<<o /, ; more explicitly, rfe6f nnn T 'J i Ch 29"; |» Dip? '3 Ju20 3 V*'«  jo/ace <o (retire before) ; of sexual relation, jnr? irnaB' fwn6 . . . nB>K"bs< Lv 18 20 (H), inasE'-nK tja b^k |«J5 Nu5 20 (P), so (rona-bsa) Lv ^(H), cf. 20 ls (H).— K0 is taken impers. = ' es giebt,' there is, there are, in Jb 3 7 10 Pr 1 o 24 13 10 by De, citing Ew >a6d , Now Pr13 - 10 Str Frankenb (in transl., dub. in note), Bae ,b " ,K ' u Ges* 144b ; but improb., Kau Pr Di Jb , so Hi Bu Du (on Jb 3 7 10 ), reading [JR; cf. Ko 8 "'-" 24 ^. . Put, set, nearly = &ty, and sts. || with it : a. lit., (esp. oft. in Ez P) : c. ace. + "by on, ring on hand Gn 41 42 (E), cf. Ez 16 11 , helmet on head 1S17 38 , also Je 27" 28 14 (in fig.), 1 K 12 49 (in fig.), 18 23 (|| tff), Exi2 7 (ace. om.), cf. 25 12 - 26 - 30 + oft. P ; c. "by = above Ex 25 21 26 s4 (P), =for, "by t£n ') Lv 16 8 (P), cast lots for ; = against Ez 26 s ; c. "bX into: ark into cart 1 S 6 8 , put one in the stocks Je 29 s6 (also c. "by 20 2 ), in prison 37 18 38 11 , cf. Ex 25 16 28 30 (P) ; put water upon ("by) sthg. into ("b«) vessel Nu 19 17 ; = toward JNXn »j» jn>l 1P¥"b^ Gn 30 40 (J ; del. 01 Di al.) ; c. 3, cup into hand Gn 40 13 (E), cf. Ju 7 16 , also Gn 41 48 (E), cf. 1 K 7 5 ', Gn i 17 (P), 9 13 (P), 2 K 19 18 , Je 27 s , riB -eya ': L a 3 s9 (in fig.), WJTO 'nnBB* 'nru Gn i6'(J), n^JM 131X3 .innr; Dt 15 17 and thou shalt put (the awl) mto At* ear and into the door (pin his ear to the door); put disease into one Dt 7 15 (|| D"fe>) ; inflict blemish (UW) on (3), Lv 24 19 - 20 ; D33 UJstf) N'b Vpyp njhW 19 28 ; c. 3+ b, or*»aa unn x'b (toA o*» v 28 (all H); . . before, in front of, set food before one, 2 K 4 43 - 44 '; cf. Zc 3 9 Ez 3 20 Ex 30 6 40 66 (all P) ; c. PI between, Ex 30 18 40" (P); c. jj, H3& '3 nijnse 3'3D 1 K 6* he put ledges to the house; c. other preps/1?y nn; IB* rimr Gn^ (5), the woman whom thou hast set at my side, cf. EX31 6 (tafO; fig. of association, assistance); c. nNlpb Gn 15 10 (J), lay each piece to meet its fellow; he set the sea n?3n epSD 1K7"; c. n loc. put money flQB> into it 2 K 12 10 , so of water Ex 30 18 (P), cf. 40 7 (OB*); c. 2 ace. n<3 iniK ') Kv|n Je37 4 cf. v 15 ; put, place, abs. Ex 49 s (P;'|| ttty, cf. 26 s2 ); set up, 3 IVJ^B ?3« L V2 6 l (H ; || D'pfl) ; -f. b pers., lay snare for me ^119"° (in fig.), b. fig., in many phr. : c. by, put my spirit upon him IS42 1 , reproach upon one Je 23 40 , blessing on Mt. Gerizim, etc., Dtn 29 , curses on enemies 30 7 ; impose tax upon Ne io 33 cf. 2 K 23 s3 ; by "lifl }nj put majesty upon one 1 Ch 29 s5 Dn n 21 Nu 27 20 (P; 1in»; cf. V' 216 ); so a l s0 P ern - V' 8 * *«*< se£ thy majesty upon (over) the heavens, cf. @ S3 X (rd. nnnj for nan, Hup De Pe Bae al.; other views v. in Thes EwOl Now Che We Du) ; = above, fyfn vfcrba-by jvby «j»n» Dt 28 1 cf.

19 ; put (sthg.) over mouth Mi 3 s (i.e. stop 

one's mouth, by a gift); = against "by li2fD "i Ez 4 2 (siege), cf. v 2b ; c. "bx, "bs ^bvik njnKi B^?? . . . , 3 4 1S* Dn 9 3 ; c. 3, words into mouth Dt 18 18 Je i 9 , cf. 1 K 22 23 ; wisdom into heart, or person, 1 K io 24 Ex 31 6 36 12 (all P), cf. ^ 4 8 ; set peace in earth Lv26 6 (H) ; (the idea of) perpetuity (Obiy) in heart Ec 3 11 ; a pur- pose, i3bs '3 nfiinbi Ex 35 s4 (P) ; n^ns >nn;i Dnxm Ex 7 4 (P) ; ip sy$ »BJ ffj fnrrbt* Dt

1 8 ; ^3 13n |n»l Gn 39 21 (J), 

d he put his favour in the eyes of the prison-keeper (made the keeper favourable to him), cf. Ex 3 21 1 1 3 12 36 (all E ; cf. also 1 b, 3 b); c. 3 pers. = against, in phr. set my face against, opjjose Ez 14 8 15 7 Lv 17 10 20 6 (both H); c. PJ, =put, i. e. make a covenant between Gn 1 7 2 (P), cf. Lv26 46 (H); DS^sb H? ' 3 ^e. place at your disposal Dt i 821 cf. 2 M ; set ordinances, etc., before, 'JB? (for observance), 1 K 9" Je 26 4 44 10 Dn 9 10 ; blessings and cursings (for choice) Dt 30 i.».u. / B ^na ^ f) set ov p iace one's way upon his head, i.e. requite him, Ez 9 10 1 1 21 16 43 22 31 cf. 17 19 , also 1 K 8 32 =2 Ch 6 a + (cf. 1 v); jnr?3 nop? nnb NU31 3 to set the vengeance of * upon Midian; 'l '3 ^ 50™ = set in, i. e. impute to (usu. '3 D'E*). c. set, appoint, c. ace. +"by over, hath set a king over you 1 S 12 13 cf. Gn 41 41 (E); c. "by on, 3g* "i 'ND3"by 1 K i 48 ; c. 3 in = over, I Ch 12 9 Ne 1 3 4 ; c. b, Nethinim nn'3J|b Ezr 8 20 ; c. ace. alone, idol-priests 2 K 23 s , prophet Je i* (2 ace), leader Nu 14 4 ; one instead of (nnn) another 1 K2 36 . d. = assign, designate, c. b: God hath