Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/72

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toVn 48 Pi. Ft. bind G1137 7 (E) D'tpbx D'E^XD binding sheaves. T [nD7^] n.f. sheaf, in Joseph's dream Gn37 ;.7.7 T .7 '(■£) 3q sf v.bSx, p i. on^x, eovtoSs; also f 1 26 s Vn'ebx (in fig. of ret. fr. captivity). tO^N n.[m.] silence, f 56 1 (title) vid. 01 De, in name of melody D'prn D7X roiOy; also + 58* ( = adv. in sihnceX) but rd, D(')bx 01 De Che, etc. ' D7S adj. dumb, unable to speak; Ex 4 11 D;>X DVc> ip "lX Dlt6 HB Db 'O ; Is 56 10 D^? Dn$K fig. of false proph.; of idols 'X D'^bx Hl>2 8 ; as subst. Pr3i 8 ^38" IS35 6 . □^N v. in. D^Sp. i 9 . S^N v. D^'X sub II. h«. T " T |72T'N adj. forsaken, of Israel Je 51 5 (sq. D'r6.XD). TTQ ; N n.[m.] widowhood, fig. of Babylon Is 47" (|| btotf, cf. v 9 ; vid. Ba NBB ). tn:oV« n.f. widow (Mish. id., As. aZ- t t : - 61 * mattu Dl in Zim Bri14 )— 'x Gn 38"+ ; no cstr.; p l. riboj* Ex 2 2 a + ; pi. sf. vrfuoiix Jb 27 18 , etc.— widow 1 K 1 7 20 ; 'X n£ ; K 2 S 1 4 6 ( || ^K nD'l) 1K7 14 n M i7 910 ; Gn 3 8"(J; living in father's house) cf. Lv 2 2 13 (H ; || ITf*^) ; 2 1 14 (H), where widow forbidden as wife of h. p., like HE^nj, rppn, H3T cf. Ez 44 K - SS - 22 (ti. of all priests, exc. widow of priest); Nu3O 10 (P; of widow's vow, ||nt!'Vi3); niJDbx D3^?=ye shall be slain Ex 2 2 23 (||D3A3 G'DJV) cf. V109 9 Je 15 8 18 s1 Ez 2a» also La 5 s (sim.); of those snatched away by pestilence Hj^an tib 1>tfl$$ Jb27 15 ; by sword, id., ^78"; ® We rd. rrt»n nfofsj* 2S20 3 (v. n«oj>x i n f r .) of imprisoned concubines; fig. of Jerusalem Lai'; Babylon Is 47 s ; esp. widow as help- less, exposed to oppression & harsh treat- ment (oft. ||DirV, & -13); Is i 23 io 2 Jb22 9 24 s 3 1 16 y(r 94 s Mai 3 s ; harshness forbidden, & care for them enjoined Ex22 21 (E) Dt 14 29 16" 14 »4 BJUUI 26 1213 27 19 Is 1" Je 7 6 22 3 Zc 7 10 , cf. Jb 29 13 ; under esp. care of God Dt io 18 Je49 u Pr 15*^68' 146 9 ; once of severity of judgment in not sparing widow Is 9 16 . ('PX Is 1 3 s2 vid. sub PD")X ; Ez 19 7 vid. ib. & also sub pjJD.) t[rVljDTN] n.f. widowhood (Mish. id., Ph. riD^x) sf.nnyD^X HJ3 her widow's garments Gn 38 1419 ; cstr. m>n rVODJw 2 S 20 3 (of David's imprisoned concubines ; but text impossible ; © We ni>Pl niJDbx, c f. Dr; Klo thinks gloss); fig. of Jerusalem Is 54 4 IJTIUDpK. "Y"? "t? at ^J - som e one, a certain (name unspoken); 'X *frf Dipt) 1 S 21 s 2 K 6 8 ; '« 'B alone.of person, = such-an-one,so-and-so~Ru 4 1 . tipVX Ellasar Gn i 4 '- 9 ( = Bab. Larsa, mod. Senkereh, c. 28 miles NE. from Ur; cf. Loft C8240f Dl 1 '* B3, Tiele Ge ' chlM , COT""" 00 ). fl. [*]7^] vb - learn ( Ar - ^4 **5P» cleave to, become familiar with; Aram. *P8, &^L, learn, Sl£.1" , Pa teacli). Qal Jfnp/ 2 ms. iririN C]bxn p r 2 2 2i ; Pi. teach, sq. ace. 1J»B ^ Jbi5 s (subj.^J!); so J P<.«sb(for '^XID Sta'^'Ko 1 ' 388 Ge'^S'cf. Ewt rab ) Jb 35 u ;'sq. 2 ace. noon is^xx Jb 33 s3 . ti. [*$*] n.m. y8 ' 8 ; only pl. cattle (Ph. tjijN, As.alpu, COT Gl0 ")— D'B^X Pr 14 4 Is 30 24 used in tillage; subject to man ^8 8 (H^.S); their increase T^X Tjtf a blessing Dt 7 13 28 41851 (|| all 13t6t niriB'jj)'. . tpV& adj. tame — 'n abs. Mi 7 6 +; cstr. Pr 2 ,7 + ; sf. *»fcl ^55"; pl- D^ Je 13 21 ; sf. 0*B^8 ^ 144 14 , etc.;— 1. tame, rfo- cile, ^v8 fe*33 a <2oci7e (gentle) Zam6 Je 1 1 19 . 2. n.m. friend, intimate yj/ 55 14 (|| 1>^B) Mi 7 s (|| IT!!) Pr 16 28 17 9 Je 13 21 ; of a woman's hus- band yW: 'X Pr 2"; fig. of "* as husband of Judah, id., Je 3 4 . 3. i.q. 1. *fy(; aty&} CW^t ^ 144 14 (i.e. cows). II. ^7^ a.m. Ju615 thousand (^X MI, SI, Sab. DHM 2MG1875 - 615 ; Ar. dii( Aram. *£]', $* , X^bx)— 'x ('X) Gn 20 16 + ; sf. ^X f Ju 6 15 ; du. D^X Nu4 36 + ; pl. D"?^ Exi8 2I + ; cstr. •BJJU EX32 28 -!-; T^X Dt7 13 +2t.; I'S^X Q r

S i8 7 +2t. (Kt IS") — a thousand. 1. nu- 

meral: a. used with noun alone; mostly before noun NU35 4 Jos 7 s Ne 3" 1 Ch i8 4 + ; after noun (late) 1 Ch 1 2 35 + 6 t. Ch Ezr Ne; TOX3 'X Nu 35 5 ' 5 '" Ez 47 3 (del. Co); the noun always pl. when preceding, sometimes when following, i S 2 5 2 1 K 3 4 2 K ^r^Is 3 6 8 2 Ch 30 24 f 90 4 Jb 4 2 12 Ec 6 6 ; elsewh. sg. tr N Ju 9 49 1 5 1516 Jos 7 3 + ; nox Nu 3 5 4 + (so SI); "rtl Dt7 9 +, cf. iCh 18 4 19 6 2 K 15 19 Jb42 1 ' ! Ct4 4 Is 7 21 , noun sometimes coll.; 'Npl. cstr. Mi 6 7 ^ 1 1 9" Gn 24 60 ; noun not