Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/724

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vho fiaros ; Syr. Hexapla Aq. tWWIJ* in 5 W. Fieid in ^38 1S ); © adds 8ia/«rX/ia, e.g. 2 2 34" 94 15 , after final editing of Heb. Psalter ; so Psalms of Sol. 17 31 18 10 on same principles as in MT ; used therefore with full knowledge that it indicated some kind of interruption or change in the regular rendering. ni?D is used in mcs roiDB> after Benedictions 3, 18, and after other early Jewish prayers, shewing knowledge, c. 100 A.D.; Aq. gives dd (Theod. also ty 9 17 ); Sexta Sianavros (except 20 4 tit T«'Xor) ; Quinta eh roi/s tdSwas ; Jer. semper, % usu. vxhyb, ?d?yb; but 39 s tmby «ro, 44* jvby -vbvb, 48" ?zbv vbv ^V> 49 14 ™~* vtchihi uniform tradition best expl. by closing contents of the Benedictions, D^iyn 1f E&iyno. So Jer. classes sela with amen and salom; and Jacob of Edessa in Bar Hebr. io 1 cp. Christian Amen of the people after Gloria}; — this interpr. agrees with usage : 7 1 t. in 39 ^i/c, 3 t. Hb 3 (taken from Minor Psalter mxh, v. PlVJ); it occurs at end of 3" 24'° 46 12 (om. ©), 9 21 (® combines 9 and 10); elsewh. at close of strophe, 3 s ' 5 4 s - 5 7" g" 24 s 32 45 - 7 39 6J2 46" 47 s 48* 49 13 (so rd. MT v" by error) v 16 50 6 ga M 54 s 59 614 61 5 62 s - 8 66 4715 67 s 68 20 76 410 77 410 - 16 81 8 82 s 83 s 84 6 - 9 g 8 8.n g 9 3s.« I40 4.6.9 I43 6 ; or wnere citations have been made, 44" 55 s 57 7 60 6 67 2 68 833 89 s Hb3 3!> ; or where extracts might be made for liturgical purposes, 20 4 21 3 55 20 75 4 85 s1 8f e 89"; so 57 3 (® for MT v 4 ) Hb 3 18 .— Of ^ c. npD, 23 used in Elohistic Psalter, 28 in Direc- tor's Psalter, 39 in final editing of Psalter. These editors found it in earlier Psalters. Davidic Psalter uses 20 of them, so few in proportion that it is not characteristic of this Psalter ; but Korahite 9 (out of 1 2), and Asaph 7 + 80 8 [®] (prob. 8 out of 12); appar. it came into use in time of these editors. In Director's Psalter musical terms are added to 1 9 of the 28 it uses (and only to ten others, of which some could hardly use TVD); V'^ with rpD all (except 61, 81) name the kind of ^ in title: 3 Drop, 7 brs'B-D, IO TP, 26 (2 7)others*to]P, Hb 3 H?En ; 'D is esp. frequent with "VE* and b'S^D, terms associated with musical rendering. It prob. came into use in late Persian period in connexion with ^ used with musical ac- companiment in public worship, to indicate place of benedictions. It was not added by later editors to other psalms ; but was revived in first century B.C., and continued in use for some time (v. Jacob a¥ ""~ 11 " Br JBLI9M EC Britrffs Am ' J ' 8em ' L, ° l! ' Oo1 ' 1E99 ' 1 ' ) irnb'O n.f. mound; — 'D 2S20 15 +7t.; H^iD Dnn 15 ; pi. nbbb Je 3 2 54 33 4 .— 'D ^f T'yn-t'y cast up mound against the city, besieging it, 2 K 19 32 = Is 37 s3 , Je 6 6 Ez 4 2 26 8 ;

S 20 13 (error for ^y) ; without Tyn bv Ez 1 7 17 

2 1 27 Dn 1 1 13 ; without vb. Je 32" 33 4 . t D^D n.m. ladder ;— Gn 28 12 (E). tpfvDO n.f. highway; — '» Is n 16 +i2t.; cstr. n^DD Is7 3 + 3 t.; sf. ST^DV Jo 2 8 ; pi. ni-ipp Is 33 8 +5 t.; sf. 'O^DD Is 49"; Dni^DD Ju 5 20 Is 59 7 ; — raised way, highway, public road (never of street in city) Nu 20 19 Ju 20 31 - 32,43 2 1 " 1 S 6 12 2 S 20 12 ' 12 " 2 K 1 8 17 = Is 3 6 2 , 1 Ch 2 6 1618 Is 7 3 1 1 16 19 23 33 8 49" 59 7 Je 31 21 ; '» T#» Is 40 3 ; 'd ^D Is62 10 ; in a fig. sense, of the courses of the stars Ju 5 C0 ; the march of locusts Jo 2 8 ; the conduct of the upright Pr i6' 7 ; of the ascents to Zion in the mind of the pious f 84" (® : Bae rds. n*6yo).— In 2 Ch 9 11 TYli>DO is error for (ni )1V01p of || 1 K io 12 . t?1">pa n.m. highway;— Is 3 5 8 (foil, ■pil corrupt ; ® 6d6s Kadapd). II. 77D (./of foil.; cf. NH h$Q plait, curl hair ; NH bo, X vfo, Talm. wfcff, Syr. JL», Chr Pal Aram. JLo, all=6aste; Ar. J-i, III prob. loan-wd. Fra 76 '-; cf. Schwally 1 "' '- 63 ). t?D n.m. Gn «■ 16 basket ;— 'D abs. Gn 4 o 17 + ; cstr. Ex 2 9 23 + ; pi. D'b Gn 4 o 18 ; cstr. *W v 16 ; — basket Gn 40 16171718 (E), Ju6 19 ; Ex zo 8 - 8 - 28 - 32 Lv 8 2 - 2631 Nu 6 151719 . t[n^pVp] n.[f.] basket ace. to ©93 AV RV; but prob. shoot, branch Ew Hi Gf Gie al.; only pi. abs. TJffa! (rd. prob. T) ft ^ rihobg-by Je 6 9 . J^/D (-/of foil.; cf. Ar. ill cleave, split, ii-. cleft, fissure, Lane ,406 , hence ivD split, jagged cliff, crag, oft. isolated (split off) rock (cf. Wetzst Do " 3 ' m - m ' *° d Mp - ZAW '" (1883, ' OT ) ; then of smaller fragments, NH y?D rock, stone, also scale (of serpent), weight (in trade) ; Aram. NypD specif, weight for coin ; Nab. y?D, a coin Lzb 329 Cook 85 ). I. ?hp n.m. Ju620 crag, cliff, synon.lW;— abs. 'D Ju 6 W + , j6d Nu 20'°+ ; cstr. l&D i S