Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/823

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"ItSSf Pr 28" oppressed (1 burdened) with the blood of a person. Pu. i><. f. njJl^BPI Is 23 12 crushed (of conquered Sidon under fig. of woman). ' ptiV n.m. Kc 7 ' 7 oppression, extortion ; — 'j)abs. Je6 6 + ,cstr.fii9 134 Ec5 7 ;— l.Je6 6 22 17 Ez 22 712 yjf 73"; c. genit. subj. 1 19 134 , obj. Ec 5 7 ; as ace. cogn. c. pB"V (q.v.) Ez 18 18 22 M . 2. national oppression, Is 54". 3. concr., yat'w of extortion ^62", so perh. Ec 7' ; as ace. cogn. Lv S 23 (II %•— Is 30 12 59" rd. B%9 Lag Gr al. t pttft? 1 Ch8 39 , AtnjA, A<r«e. Tnj^tpj? n.f. oppression, distress;- — ~ n $$

  1. Is 38" (cf. Ges« 9T ' 481 ) oppression to me 1=

I am oppressed, distressed. Tpityy n.[m.] oppressor, extortioner; — Je22 3 (=PrV 21 12 ). t D^ttJV oppression, extor- tion ;—')) Am 3 9 Jb 35', D-pE'jr Ec 4'. T[nr?CJ3ft3] n.f. extortionate act; — pi. abs. nij3E>yD 31 p r 28 16 great in extortions; "O VX3 Is33 15 gain of extortions. t ["'tt'J/] vb. be or become rich (NH in der. spec, and deriv.; Aram. "V)J|, jIsjx. ; cf. Ar.^i abound with herbage, i*2£ abundance, of herbage, goods, etc.);— Qal Pf 1 s. , !jHE'V Ho 1 2 9 / have become rich ; Impf. 3 ms. ~WV Jb 15 29 he shall not be rich.— i K 22" rd. n'cy'. Hiph. 1. make rich, c. ace. pers. : Pf. 1 s. Wffigl Gn 1 4 23 ; 2 fs. rpBtyn Ez 2 7 s3 (of personif. Tyre';' + ^3in 0^2); /inp/ 3 ms. sf. »#£ (Ges »"»), + ace. cogn.-rcty; 2 ms. sf. «f3jfS Offi ^- 65' </(om do*< greatly enrich it (the land); obj. om. 3 fs.-VEtyn Pr io 22 , so P<. "I'tigD 1 S 2 7 '«  maketh rich (opp. e""lil3). 2. (/atra riches, abs.: /ntp/ 3 ms. "H^ ^ 49 17 . "^f Pr2i 17 Dn 1 1 2 ( + ace. cogn. l?ty); J*."*^ Pno 4 ;

OEtySJ Zc 1 i 6 (Gi Kt ; van d. H. Baer y#j*i)> 

3 mpl. ITtfjp. Je 5 v ; Inf. estr.f 1 ^? Pi- 23*

8 20 . Hithp. P<. "»^ynp P r 1 3 7 one enriching 

himself. CJy s7 n.m. 1817 ' 25 riches;— 'yabs.Gn3i 16 + 27 t., cstr. Est i 4 ; sf. nety J e g*>+ 5 t., BJfty

  • 49 7 Pr 14"; + (or ||) Ity 1 K 3 13 Pr 3 16 + 9 t.;

y n'^y J e 1 7 11 , cf. Eng. 'make money.' ytfti) 3 adj. et n. rich ;— abs. '5? Ex 30 15 + 19 t.; pi. abs. &ypV : Ec io 6 ; cstr. 'TBty ^,45"; sf. n"T$? Mi 6 12 ;— adj. m. 2 S I2 1 - 4 (opp. Bfc-i), Ru 3 10 (opp. ?"!); usu. n.m. <A« ncA, opp. P" 1 !, Prio ls + 3t.; opp. eh 2 S 12 2 Pr i4 S0 +4 t.; opp. jtaK ^ 49 3 ; a l one J e 9 22 Mi6 ,J +5 t., + D5? *W% f 45"; T Is 53 9 is prob. crpt., cf. || D^eh ; Bo Ry Di-Kit VI ^ ; Krochm Gr Che H,rt conj. D-ych f or % and D<ye>B for 'n. r [IB Jl*J/] vb. waste away (cf. As. asasu, moth; Ar. exc mo«A(-worm), exc eatf (of moth; ?denom.); ace. to De* 68 al. e>B>y is denom. from &V, prop, be moth-eaten, but improb.);— Qal Pf. 3 fs. ♦PJ DV30 DE'K'y, f 6 8 my eye ?'« wasted from grief, = 3 1 10 (DJDS ; + TS3, ^p|)j 3 pi. le^'y ^sj; v". fn. V}y n.m. I,5 °' 5 moth (as waster, con- sumer);— 'y abs., Ho 5 12 (|| 3J"), Is 50 9 51 8 ; in sim.^39 12 ; B>V ^?K 1323 Jb^ 28 ; symbol of fragility Jb 4 19 .— 27 10 read prob. e»33y q.v. f I. [J~)l£^J7] vb. be smooth or shiny (?), si vera 1. (cf. nety);— only Qal Pf. 3 pi. «OB> WB^J? Je 5 18 (fig.) they have grown fat, they are smooth (or shine, from fat) ; doubtful word, Thes conj. (Symbol missingHebrew characters) have grown rich (cf. (Symbol missingsymbol characters) (Symbol missingsymbol characters)(Symbol missingsymbol characters)), so Gie (but (Symbol missingHebrew characters) precedes, v:27).

tnipy n.[m.] plate (as smooth, shiny ? NH id., lump or 6ar of metal); — cstr. fC* 'V Ct 5 14 a plate of ivory (Low in Buhl 1 "* Bu). t ntoy adj . smooth 1— only '5> iri3 Ez 2 7 " as merchandise of Tyre ; Co TV?)} t i.e. pt. pass., from VlWS forge, or work skilfully ; Toy iron skilfully wrought; all dubious. til- [JIM?}?] vb. Hithp. think (Arama- ism: BAram. Pt. Tlty, % n^rpK) ; _Hithp. Impf. 3 ms. «? '« netyfV Jon i 6 perhaps fforf will give a thought to us (cf. 3B>n V' 40 18 ). tm.TN*jy (van d. H. ni-) n.f. thought;— cstr. ]X*V 'V Jb 1 2 5 (ni- would be pi., fr. *rf§). t[n2nttJ^] XT^VV; cstr. ^inev Ecclus 3 24 ); -pi. sf. vnihety nss ^, i 4 6 4 . T^riU}!* n.num. one (As. is'ten, one; isten eSrit, eleven; Dl' 73 , Tel Am. [is-]tit, first time; v. Gie ZAWI < mn - m Ges" 7 ' Kb"- 1 ' 218 and reff.);— only + ie'V, rn.fe'V (q. v.)=e?«t>ew, eleventh, Je i 3 39 2 = 52'=2K25 2 , Ez 26 1 40 49 Zci 7 Ex 2 6 7 - 8 36 1416 Nu 7 ra 29 s0 (all P), Dt i 3 1 Ch 12 13 24 12 25 18 27 14 .