Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/883

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f I. "V3J2 adj. little, insignificant, young ; — abs. T , yXGn25 !a + ; f. rTVyX Gn I9 31 + ; rTjyx iSg 5 '; mpl. &Tff Jb3o';'sf. nn/yx Je 4 8' 4 Qr (Kt mS»; but v. ->y'2f); orPTV? J e i 4 3 (Kt Dnmyv), etc.; — 1. a. little, with idea of insignificance Ju 6 I5 (|| H"), cf. I S 9 21 (|| "3^ip), Mi 5 1 f 68 ffl Is 60 22 (opp. D1XJJ n»)j of horn in vision Dn 8", rd. prob. frvyv mnx for nnN rryysio, c f. Bev Dr; }N'*n n-yx 1649* 5o 4S (fig. of helpless captives). b. insignificant, mean, + up 14 ' (|| TO3), J e 14 3 (as subst); on Je 48 4 v. iyx. 2. more oft. of age, young (usu. c. art. the younger, youngest, as subst.), of son (brother), opp. -"33n Gn 43 s3 48 14 (both J), Jos 6 W 1 K16 34 , opp. '31 Gnzs 23 (J), cf. <)tt 'V D"B*e» DJ1N1 D*J?;i> Jb 3 2 6 ; of daughter (sister), opp. rtTjan Gn'i 9 31 - 34K:i8 (J) 29 s6 (E);— here belongs also D^ *flJB D'Tyx Jb 30 1 , si vera 1.; GHBWr Siegf Bu del. anyfy ^DD ; © id X ta-Toi ; put then under 1 b. fu. ["W2£] prob. on border of Edom, rTVyx 2 K 8 21 , «r 2«a>p (@L « 2.<,>p). t [STVyS] n.f. youth ;— sf. irnyX3 Gn 43 s3 (J; opp. Wbn?).— On adj. nyys v . foregoing ; miyx Je48 4 ,' BrmjW Jei4 3 , v.'"iyx,-vyx. t~lj^2 2a>yap, in Issachar (little one);— alw. in ffl i*uro Nu I 8 2 s 7 1823 io 15 . tlj^ 2<op6, A®L 2< M p, Jos 15", prob. Mir, 5 m. NNE. fr. Hebron, Buhl 080 " 158 . fl."^SQ n.m. a small thing (|pyi»);— 1. abs. 'd a small thing, of city Gn I9 2020 (J); of Job's fortunes, '» ^ITE^q Jb 8 7 (opp.INO r$»); cstr. D'BOS nyxo 2 Ch 24" a few men; of time 'B? Is 63 18 /or </te [a] little while. — ^ 4 2" v. 11. 'd. f 11. "Wlttp mont. near Hermon, 'O in ^42" mt. (of) Mis'ar (perh. orig. littleness), not identified; so De Now Du Dr GASm G<K>er - 477 ; others mt. of littleness, little mt, so ® 2} Hi Che Bae We al. (interpr. then usu. of Zion). t *72¥ vb. draw together, contract (NH id., trans.; Ar. 'xil, hind fast, shackle, cf. No

  • 446 who cp. Mand. WQSiKD fetters);— Qal Pf.

3 ms. 'x La 4 s their skin contracteth, shrivelleth, upon (?y) their bones. HC2 Ez 32 s v. f|ix. I. [HS^l vb. look out or about, spy, t T J BT keep watch (NH id., Pi. lvope; Eth. (")<£.</):


in. Ao;>e); — Qal^/nip/ 3 ms. juss. '?'3 ^JP 1^3' Gn 3i 49 (J) may £eep watch between me and thee (that the covenant be kept= '131 ny '« v 50 ); 3 fpl. wasn ens? vry ^,66' his eyes keep watch upon the nations; Pt. act. P'^ yen HB1X ,/, 37^ a wicked man spieth upon the righteous; Ct 7° the town which looketh toward ('JB) Damascus ; f. 'IJBte Pr 3 1 27 «/i« keepeth watch of (c. ace); pi. * TV D^b) Df) niSX Pn 5 3 ; subst. waicA- wian, abs. flBX 2813"+; pi. D'BX 1 S I4 l6 +, sf. VBX Is 56 10 Qr (Kt 1SX), ^ Is 52 s ;— 1 S 14 16 2 S 13" + 8 t. SK, Ez 33 2 - 6 - 6 Is 52 s , so in D'BX fne- Nu 23" (JE); fig. of prophets Ho 9 s Je 6 17 Ez 3 17 33 7 Is 56 10 ;— D'Bix I Si'v. *B*X ; i 3 *. jpaas. «X (Codd. and Qr ^BX), Jb 1 5" spied ow«  (and brought) to ( y.N) the sword (Ew Bi Perles A»i.» p D jf cf Di Bu ), +Pi- py; t pl y^jf La

17 ; imp/, is. naXX Mi 7" 4-; Imv. ms. HBX 

Na 2 2 , fs. 'BX Je 48 19 ; Pt. nBSD 1 g 4 13 , Is 21 6 ; pl. 8 f. T B *9 Mi f;— watch (closely), VT^

  • HDy j e 4 8' 9 , TJpl Na 2 2 ; -f^K of person

expected La 4 17 ; fig. nBXK 3 Mi 7'; abs. lit. 1S4 13 ; fig. Hb 2 1 / will look forth, to see (niX"jp) what he will say; V' 5 4 / will look out (expectantly) ; n.= watchman Is 2 i 6 Mi 7 4 . t^D^, "IDS 2w0ap : in Edom (] gaze, gazing); — 1B5f Gn 36 ,M ' + v 4!l (ins. prob. after Di'y - cf. Law s * pt - e " ,d, " ,10ll78:S7 ' 1 - 270 Nes M * rl2 )= 'BS 1 Ch I 36 . pBSt, ^iD2 v. li'BX. t[nj52] n.f. outlook-post(?);— sf.yn;aX3 "'Bi' La T 4 17 (Ba NBI39 ; Bi [for both] Wni3X3). t I^DS 2o0o>i' : son of Gad (? gaze); — Gn 4 6 16 ', = fiBX Nu 26" (v. 'X by3). f 1. ^SDS adj . gent, of JiBX (v. foregoing) ; c. art. as subst. coll. Nu 26 16 . — 11. 's v. |BX. f 1. nSSQ n.m. 1. watch-tower, Is2i 8 . 2. outlook-point, 2Ch20 24 on high ground. fn. nS2?3 1. 'Bn i n Shephelah of Judah Jos 15 38 , Mo^f. 2. 3NiD-nBXD S22', Macnr^a. ' 3. 1$) Hast? Ju 1 1 29 " (^ o-Koma) prob.=='Bn flD") Jos I3 26 Maa(crr))<pa and perh. flSXD 2.— Jos 1 1 8 18 26 v. next? 3, 4. nS2TD (prop, outlook-point or -height ; c.a.rt.(%yLC.~Ho 5 1 )); — tl.inGilead.expl. as name given to Laban's cairn, N. of Jabbok