Page:A Hebrew and English Lexicon (Brown-Driver-Briggs).djvu/964

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3 pl- «3 f 55"; Impf. It (Ges*"") Is 7 4 + ;— 1. be tender, weak, of heart : a. be timid, fearful,

  • r Is7 4 Jesi 4 * Dt20 3 . b. be softened,

penitent, || y?3 Niph., 2K22 19 =2Ch 34 27 . 2. 6« «q/"<. of treacherous words 1/C55 22 (c. IP comp.; || II. P?n). Pu. Pf. 3 fs. n33l Is i e it has not jeen softened, mollified, with oil (of wound, D3P). Hiph. Pf. 3 ms. "ai> tlin bsi Jb 23" (Ges'«"), causat. of Qal 1 a. T^Tl adj. tender, delicate, soft; — '" abs. Gni8 7 + , cstr. Dt 20 8 2 Chi 3'; fs. H31 Dt 28 M +; mpl. Brfl Gn 33"; fpl. abs. ntel 29" Jb 40 27 ;— 1. feretfer of flesh Gn 18 7 (J; T?3-f3); tender, delicate, esp. in body, of children 33 13 (J), cf. (implying weakness of undeveloped character) 2 S3 39 , IQJ 1$» 1 Ch 22* 29 1 , (Tm) -J! Pr 4 3 (' of tender age,' Toy, q.v.) ; of man ( + 3iy ; i.e. delicately nurtured) Dt28 M , so of woman v "( + n5:j>), so, fig. of Bab., Is 4f l (+id.); V- as subst. =fe«d«r (twig) Ez 17" (in fig.); deli- cate, weak, of eyes Gn 29 17 (E). 2. 33;>(n) r~ weak of heart, timid, Dt 20 8 ( + N" 1 '), 2 Ch 13 7 (~>J?3). 3. soft, of words, abs. rf»*l Jb 40" = subst., mild, gentle words (|| DWITI); T]l njJTO Pr 15 1 (opp. % -n-n), nsn |te$ 25' 15 . T 7i~ n.[m.] tenderness , delicacy ; — of deli- cately-nurtured woman, ?PP* MJ?1?™? Dt 28 s6 . tljnfi n.[m.] weakness (Ko" 1 ' 98 );— Lv 26 M I will send 'd tnto (3) yowr Aeart (i. e. make you timid, fearful, cf. Vl a, 'HI 2). [7D"1] vb. prob. go about, from one to another (for trade or gossip) ( connected with 73T ; cf. Ar. jSj kick a horse, to make him go [?prop. use the foot, cf. J*,?] ; NH ^"i, Aram.

  • 6:ii-i, Jlii <rader, NH XWV slander [cf. Jftl

calumniator, fr. .?. Hffo afiou<,Qor 2 19 al.]) ; — Qal i^.^Vi Ct 3 s ; fs. cstr. T)f EZ27 3 , sf.^FCCn v 20 - 25 ; mpl. tf'xp iKio 15 + , etc.;— as subst. —trafficker, trader: usu. pl., Na 3 16 Ez 17 4 p I*?),, z? 18 - 1 ' 17 ' 22 * 2 - 23 * (<del. Toy Krae), v" Ne3 3152 i3 20 ( + ^P"^3 ,- ?3to); 'in "iriDp iK io ,s (text dub.; cf.'o, p. 695); sg. fig. of Tyre, M"! b*ir^J D"pyn n^3i EZ27 3 , of a people v 20 - 28 " (pl. Mez?*™ 34 Krae, v. also loj'?) ; sg. of pers. only f^C n£3K Ct 3". t[n^3"l] n.f. 1. traffic;— sf. 1^3") Ez 2 gs.i..i» T v 2 . merchandise, ^3") 26 12 . T73T (traderi); — in S. of Judah 73-Q 1 S 30 s *, ® »V KapfiijXa [A Paxi?X], rd. prob. ^n?3 We Dr Bu Kit HPS ; v. 11. '3 2.


tb^DI n.[m.] slander, > tale-bearer, in- former ; — always 'l abs.; — $ip *l Je9 3 , H ^j Lvi9 ,6 (H), 1 1§n Pr 1 1 13 20 19 ,all of going about in slander, as slanderer (Ges 5 " 8 "); "1 ""SpSn J66 28 <?oers of slander (slanderous persons) (cf. vij, p. 23lf.);"' , K'3XEz 2 2 9 meno/sZan<fer, informers. t[ri73"1?3] n.f. prob. plaoe of trade, market-plaoe ; — sf. 'nnps'lpf. Ez 27 s4 in thy market-place (Thes Buhl 1 " Hi-Sm Krae al.; >-inb-i D3 J Co Berthol, cf. Toy). t[DD1] vb. bind (As. rakdsu, id.; NH found, lay foundation (rare); Ar. ^J^J bind with JJ&j [rope tying camel's head to forefoot] (Frey)j but usu. turn over, reverse (Lane)); — Qal Impf. 3 mpl. WJT* (P) Ex 28 s8 , «fft 39 21 , bind JS* 1 " 1 by (IP) its rings to (PS) rings of ephod. t [D3~l] n.[m.] dub.; perh. roughness (of ground ; t lit. binding, knot); or bound up, im- peded, i.e. the impassable; or mountain-c^aira (v. Thes);— pl. D'Dfin Is 4 o 4 (|| 3pyn ; pp. nypa). t [DDS] n. [m.] dub., Thes Hup-Now snare, or band (Dr banding together), or (most) league, conspiracy (RV plottings) ; 01 reads deriv. of i53T=sZanrfer, so (v"9T) Che Du ; Bae despairs ; — pl. cstr. BNjnpai ^ 3 i 21 (|| nu'K>p an). ttiOT vb. collect, gather property, vb. only P(rare) (Mand. E»31 gather, Norberg LMld - 231 ; As.rukAiu, property (Hpt HbrlllU0 riding anim.); Aram. KBO") , )ia* = BH eon) ;— Qal />/. 3 ms. '"l, ace. J'3j3, Gn 3i 18b 36 6 ; elsewhere c.acc.cogn. trai: tbl -lBfc qi'" 3 pl. «5>3n 4 6 6 , 1BOT I2 S . tcjp^ n.m. E,t8,10 coll. steeds (connex. with Wub.) ;— abs. '1 Mi 1 13 + , B ! 3; 1 K 5 8 ;— + D^D 1 K 5 9 , harnessed to chariot Mi i 13 , ridden Est8 10 ( + D'DID ; defined as DOpin P.3), v 14 . t tt^m , ttJp") n.m. Gn 13 ' 6 property, goods;— abs. t^3T Nu i6 32 + , ^31 Gn 14**; cstr. B^T 2Ch 3 5 7 ,' B^j Gni 4 u ;^f. W?) v 12 + , DfiS") 1 2 s + , etc. ; — property, goods, PRChr Dn Gn 1 4 : 1. gen. term for movable possessions of all kinds (oft. specif, incl. cattle), Gn 1 2 6 15 14 Nu 1 6 32 1 Ch 27 31 28 1 2Ch 31 3 32 M Ezr8 21 io 8 . 2. used specif, of cattle, flocks, etc. Gn 13 6 31 18 36' Nu 35 3 2 Ch 35 7 . 3. of stores, utensils, etc. Gn 46" Ezr i 49 , as camp-baggage Dn 1 1 1S , esp. as booty Gn i 4 2 »»- 2 ' 2 Ch 20 2S 2 1 1417 Dn 1 1 2428 .