Page:A History and Defence of Magna Charta.djvu/170

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procal, and dependent, I ſhall prove by the authority of two Kings, who very well knew how that matter ſtood. It is a ſolemn covenant of their’s, which becauſe it is ſhort, I will here tranſcribe[1]. “They both of them enter a ſaving for the fidelity they owe to their ſubjects, ſo long as their ſubjects ſhall keep their fidelity to them.” Here we have that expreſſed which was ever implied: for whether the Quamdiu, eouſque, quouſque, uſquequo, be in or out, it matters not. At K. Stephen’s firſt parliament at Oxford, he made them a charter, which he

  1. Ego Lodowicus Rex Francorum, & ego Rex Anglorum volumus ad omnes notitiam pervenire, nos Deo inſpirante, promiſiſſe, & juramente confirmaſſe, quod ſimul ibimus in ſervitium crucifixi, & ituri Hieroſolymam, ſuſcipiemus ſignaculum ſanctae crucis: & amodo volumus eſſe amici ad invicem, ita quod uterque noſtrum alteri conſervabit vitam, & membra & honorem terrenum, contra omnes homines. Et ſi quacunque perſona alteri noſtrum malum facere preſumpſerit, ego Henricus juvabo Lodowicum Regem Francorum dominum meum contra omnes homines, & ego Lodowicus jurabo Regem Anglorum Henricum contra omnes homines, ſicut fidelem meum, ſalva fide, quam debemus hominibus noſtris, quamdiu nobis fidelitatem ſervabunt. Acta autem ſunt hec apud Minantcourt ſeptimo octobris. A. D. 1177. M. P. p. 133. Forma pacti inter Anglorum & Gallorum reges initi.
