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And the guardian, whilſt he has cuſtody of the heir’s land, ſhall maintain the houſes, ponds, parks, pools, mills and other appurtenances to the land, out of the profits of the land itſelf; and ſhall reſtore to the heir, when he ſhall be of full age, his land well ſtocked, with ploughs, barns, and the like, as it was when he received it and as the profits will reaſonably afford.

Heirs ſhall be married without diſparagement; inſomuch, that before the marriage be contracted, the perſons that are next of kin to the heir, be made acquainted with it.

A widow after the death of her huſband, ſhall preſently and without oppreſſion, have her marriage and her inheritance; nor ſhall give any thing for her marriage, nor for her dower, nor for her inheritance, which ſhe and her huſband were ſeized of the day of her huſband’s death: and ſhe ſhall remain in her huſband’s houſe forty days after his death; within which time her dower ſhall be aſſigned her.

No widow ſhall be compelled to marry if ſhe be deſirous to live ſingle, provided ſhe give ſe-
