Page:A History and Defence of Magna Charta.djvu/237

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And if any die, and owe a debt to the Jews, his wife ſhall have her dower, and ſhall be charged with no part of the debt, and if the children of the deceaſed perſon be within age, their reaſonable eſtovers ſhall be provided them, according to the value of the eſtate which their anceſtor had; and the debt ſhall be paid out of the reſidue, ſaving the ſervices due to the lord. In like manner ſhall it be done in cafes of debts owing to other perſons that are not Jews.

We will impoſe no eſcuage[1] nor aids within our realm, but by the common council of our realm, except for our ranſom, and for the making our eldeſt ſon a knight, and for marrying our eldeſt daughter once: and for theſe purpoſes there ſhall but a reaſonable aid be required.

In like manner ſhall it be dodge in the city of London: and moreover, the city of London ſhall have all her antient cuſtoms and liberties by land and water.

  1. Taxes for the helmet, or war.
