Page:A History and Defence of Magna Charta.djvu/300

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he promiſes to do the pope reaſon in his Michaelmas parliament which he intended[1].

Know for certain, pious father and lord, that in another parliament of our’s, which we intend to hold at Michaelmas next enſuing, with God’s leave; we, and the prelates, and peers aforeſaid, conſulting together, according to their advice will give you an anſwer upon the premiſes.”

But I will ſay no more upon this head, being intent upon another.

  1. Now let us ſee how that is expreſſed; Pro firmo ſcituri, pie pater & domine, quod in alio parliamento noſtro quod ad feſtum ſancti Michaelis prox. futur intendimus, dante Domino, celebrare, habito & communicato conſilio cum prelatis & proceribus memoratis, vobis ſuper praemiſſis, ipſorum conſilio dabimus reſponſionem.