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kingdom of England, this nation be not obliged to engage in any war for the defence of any dominion, or territories, not belonging to the crown of England, without the conſent of parliament.

“IV. That whoſoever ſhall hereafter come to the poſſeſſion of this crown, ſhall join in communion with the church of England as by law eſtabliſhed.

“V. That no pardon be pleadable to any impeachment in parliament.

“VI. That no perſon who ſhall hereafter come to the poſſeſſion of this crown, ſhall go out of the dominions of England, Scotland, or Ireland, without conſent of parliament.

“VII. That no perſon, who has any office under the King, or receives a penſion from the crown, ſhall be capable of ſerving as a member of the houſe of commons.

“VIII. That further Proviſions be made, for the confirming of all laws and ſtatutes for the ſecuring our religion and the rights and liberties of the people.
