Page:A History of Ancient Greek Literature.djvu/441

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INDEX Abaris. 67 Academy, 304 Achilles Tatius, 404 Acusilausof Argos, 121 /Eneas Tacticus, 322 ^schines, 173, 355 f. ^schrion, 88 ^schylus, 9, 207, 208, 215-231, 289 /Esop, 89 Agalhias, 394 Agathon, 204 note, 301 Alcajus, 91, 95 Alcman, 99 f. Alexandria, 376-388 Alexis, 288, 378 Alkidamas, 6, 163, 334 Alkiphron, 379 Ameipsias, 283, 284, 287 Amphis, 288 Anacreon, 94 f. Anacreontea, 94 Ananius, 88 Anaxagoras, 158 Anaximander, 153 f. Anaximenes, 154 Andocides, 336 f. Androtion, 121 Antidorus of Kyme, 123 Anlimachus of Colophon, 16, 71 f- Antipater of Sidon, 394 Antiochus of Syracuse, 122 Antiphanes, 378 Antiphon, 163, 169, 335 f. Antisthenes, 173, 304,334 Antonius Diogenes, 403 Anyte, 72, 394 Anytus, 135, 176 f., 329 Apollodorus, grammarian, 46 Apollodorus, Socratic, 173 Apollonius of Rhodes, 71, 381 f. Apollonius of Tyana, 396 Appian, 395 Aratus of Soli, 73, 386 Archestratus, 73 Archilochus, 73, 80, 87 f. Archimedes, 387 Archippus, 287 Archij'es, 148, 188 f., 390 ' Arctinus,' 5, 44 Arion, 99, loi Aristarchus, 10, 15, 22, 388 Aristeas, 67, 73 Aristias, 216 Aristides, 376 Aristippus, 173, 312 Aristonicus, 15 Aristophanes, 89, 140, 212, 280-293 Aristophanes of Byzantium, 15, 388, 394 Aristotle, 10, 174, 256, 304, 312, 351, 373-376 Arnan, 395 Asclepiades, 380 Asius, 72 Athenoeus, 397 Atthidographi, 128, 130, 390 Babrius, 89, 393 Bacchylides, 108 f. Bakis, 3, 66 Berosus, 391 Bion, pastoral poet, 385 Bion of Proconnesus, 122 Cadmus, 121 Callimachiis, 71, 380 f., 388 Callinus, 80 Callistratus, 280 Carkinus, 72 Chaeremon, 308 417