Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/271

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Bk. VII. Ch. II.

Bk. VII. Ch. II. EARLY SPANISH GOTHIC. 255 would not have been bestowed on them if they were not intended to herald a greater richness within. In this last example, the doorway has been covered by a porch ot 14th or 15th century work ; but occasionally the Spaniards seem to liave attempted a porch on the scale of Peterborough, as in the church of San Vincente at Avila (Woodcut No. 698). In this instance we have only one arch between two flanking towers ; but though limited in extent, it forms a very noble feature, and gives a dignity to the entrance, too often wanting in Gotliic design. Its date is uncertain — probably the end of the 12th century — but, strange as it may ajjpear, the rielily carved doorway within, though round-arched, seems to be an insertion either of the same age or subsequent to the pointed-arcli architec- ture which surrounds it. Beautiful as are these de- tails, the great feature of the early Spanish style is the cimborio, or dome, which generally occurs at the inter- section of the nave with the transepts. Something A^ery similar is to be found in France, especially in Auvergne and Anjou ; but the Spaniards seized upon it with avidity, and Avorked it out more completely than any other nation ; and with their wide naves it afterwards assumed an importance almost equal to the octagon at Ely. One of the most perfect examples in the early style is that which crowns the old cathedral at Salamanca (Woodcut No. 699), and dates about 1200. As will be observed from the view of the exterior, every detail belongs to the round-arched style, and in France would certainly be quoted as belonging to that date, or earlier ; but when we turn to the interior (Woodcut No. 700), we find that the Avhole substructure is of pointed architecture. True it is the old simple early Spanish style, yet still such as rather to upset oir ideas of architectural chronology in this respect. The internal diameter of the dome is only 28 feet ; yet it is a most effective feature. 697 Lerida Old Cathedral. Door of South Porch. (From Street.)