Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/295

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Bk. VII. Ch. II.

Bk. VII. Ch. II. MORESCO STYLE. 279 nado in Spain, from its being something in the form of an inverted trough — with coupled tie-beams across, so that, though elegant in detail, it has no constructive merit, and the whole depends for its effect,' like all Moorish work in Spain, on its orna- mental details. All the churches we know of in this style date -within the period comprised between the fall of Toledo (1085) and that of Granada (1492). During that time the Moors were still sufficiently power- ful to be respected and their art tolerated. After their expulsion from their last Stronirhold, fear beinsr re- 723. Apse of St." Bartolomeo. (From "Moil. '^ ' ^ , Arch.") .Scale 25 ft. to 1 in. moved, bigotry became tri- umphant, and persecution followed, not only of the people and their religion, but of everything that recalled either to remembrance. 724. Chapel at Humanejos. (From Villa Amil.) 1 The room called Paranimo in the I lar design to this, only carried out with University of Alcala is of precisely simi- [ Renaissance instead of Moorish detail.