Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/443

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Bk. IX. Ch. II.

Bk. IX. Ch. II. SYRIA AND ASIA MINOR. 42' The external effect of these hiuldings, though not so original as the interior, is still very far removed from the classical type, and presents a variety of outline and detail very different from the sim- plicity of a Pagan temple. One of the most complete is that at Tourmanim (Woodcut No. 858), though that at Kalb Louzeh is nearly as perfect, but simpler in detail. For a church of the 6th century it is wonderful how many elements of later buildings it sug- gests ; even the western towers seem to be indicated, and, except the four columns of the gallery, there is very little to recall the ^ style out of which it arose. - There are considerable remains of a wooden-roofed basilica at Per- eamus, Avllich may be even older 857. Elevation of Chapel at Babouda. , . "^ . . (k-rom De Vogu6.) than those just described ; but having 858. Fagade of Church at Tourmanim. (From De VogiiS.) , been built in brick, and only faced with stone — the whole of which is gone — it is difficult to feel sure of the character of its details and