Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/480

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Part II.

464 BYZANTINE ARCHITECTURE, Part n. be little doubt that many others exist in various corners of the land ; but they have hardly yet been looked for, at least not by any one competent to discriminate between what was really old and what may have belonged to some subsequent rebuilding or repair. Till this more careful examination of the province shall have been accomplished our history of the style cannot be carried back beyond the Hejira. Even then very great difKculty exists in arranging the materials, and in assigning correct dates to the various examples. In the works of Texier,i Dubois,^ Brosset,^ and Grimm,^ some forty or fifty churches are described and figured in more or less detail, but in .most 909. View of Church at Dighour. (From Texier.) cases the dates assigned to them are derived from written testimony- only, the authors not having sufficient knowledge of the style to be 1 C. Texier, " Armenie et la Perse." 2 vols, folio. Paris. 2 Dubois du Montpereux, "Voyage autoiir duCaucase." 6 vols. 8vo. Paris, 1839, 1841. 3 Brosset, " Voyage Arcbeologiaue dans la Georgie et I'Arindnie." St. Petersbourg, 1849.

  • D. Gri'mm, "Monuments d' Archi-

tecture en Georgie et Armenie." St. Petersbourg, 1864.