Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/483

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Bk. IX. Ch. V.

Ek. IX. Ch. V. ARMENIA. 467 that we must hesitate before we can feel sure that it lias not been rebuilt at some more modern date. Its cupola certainly belongs to a period long after the erection of Sta. Irene at Constanti- nople (Woodcut No. 895), when the dome pierced with tall windows had become the fashionable form of dome in the By- zantine scliool. Its interior, also, is un- usually tall, and the pointed arches under the dome look like integral parts of the design, and wlien so employed belong certainly to a much more modern date. On the whole therefore it seems that the church, as we now see it, may have been rebuilt in the 9th or lOtli century. ■^/////// ////,/ i.'.;///,,. 915. Section of Uliurcli at Pitzouuda. (From Dubois.) No scale. '-J- <.-. f /■> .,pss.. 916. View of Church at Pitzounda. (From Dubois.) Whatever its date, it is a pleasing example of the style. Externally it is devoid of ornament except what is obtained by the insertion of