Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/526

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Part III.

610 SAPvACENIC ARCHITECTUllE. Part III, Bj'zantine art having disappeared in the interval, and the Saracenic aroliitecture appearing complete in all its details, the parts originally borrowed from previous styles having been worked up and fused into a consentaneous whole. Whether this took j^lace in Egypt itself 961. Mosque of Ibn Touloun at Cairo. (From Coste's " Arcliitecture Arabe.") during the century and a half that had elapsed, is by no means clear ; and it is more than probable that the brilliant Courts of Damascus and Bagdad did more than Egypt towards bringing about the result. At all events, from this time we find no backsliding; the style in Egyyt at last takes its rank as a se2:)arate and complete architectui-al form