Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/537

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Bk. I. Ch. II.

'BvlI.CkU. barbary. 521 Algeria possesses no bxiilrling of any importance belonging to any good age of Moorish art. Those of Constantine are the only ones which have yet been illustrated in an intelligible manner, and they scarcely deserve mention after the great buildings in Egypt and the farther East. I cannot help suspecting that some remains of a better age may still be brought to light ; but the French archaeologists seem to be Avholly taken up with the vestiges of the Romans, and not to have turned their attention seriously to the more modern style, which it is to be hoped they soon will do. In an artistic point of view, at least, it is far more important than the few fragments of Roman buildings still left in that remote province.