Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/556

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Part III.

540 SARACEiSriC AliCHITECTURE. Part III. SULEIMANIE. All these were, however, surpassed by that Avhich was erected by Suleimau the Magnificent, between the years 1550-1555. It is still quite perfect in all its constructive parts, and little altered in detail ; and as there is every reason to suppose that it equalled, or even sur- passed, all others of its class, if it be illustrated the rest will be easily understoof]. As will be seen from the jilnn,! the mosque itself is nearly square, 225 ft. by 205 over all externally, and covering between 45,000 and 46,000 sq. ft. In front is a forecourt, 150 ft. by 190 internally, sur- rounded by an arcade on all sides, and con- taining the fountains, which are the indispen- sable accompaniment of all mosques. Beliind is the " garden " contain- ing the tomb of the founder and those of his favorite Avife and other members of the family. All this, i)roperly speak- ing, is one design and building; and all one 977. Plan of Suleiiiianie Mosque. (By Texier.) Scale 100 ft. to 1 iu. 1 For the plan and section of this mosque I was indebted to the kindness of my friend, the late M. C. Texier, who placed his MS. plans at my disposal for the pin-pose of being engraved for this work.