Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/621

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FRIBURG. INDEX. GOTHIC ARCHITECTURE. ()05 Frihurg in the Brlsgan, cathedral of, i, .540, 596, ii, 62. View, G3. Details, 64. Friburg on the Unstrutt, double chapel at, ii, 33. Friuh, vaulted chapel at, ii, 298. Fulda, original cathedral of, ii, 12. Cir- cular cliuroh. 40. Furnes, Belgium, belfry of, i, 601. Gaeta, tower at, ii, -386, 396. Gaillard, castle of, i, 586. Oainsborough Abbey, ii, 159. Galatina, ii, 379. Gall, S., ancient plan of monastery found at, and details of same, ii, 5-9, 27. Galla Placidia, alleged sarcophagus of. i, 437 note. Her tomb, its peculiar form, polycliromatic decorations, etc., 438. Gallerus. oratory of, ii, 2.39. Galway. ancient house in, ii, 240. Gardiner, Bishop of Winchester, tomb of, ii, 191. Gates and Gateways: Assyrian, i, 174. Huldali, Jerusalem, 218. Pelasgic, 2.36-238. Arpino, 290. Bristol, ii, 186. Moscow, 495. Ctesiphon, 386. See Doors, Golden Gateways. " Gates " of the Bible, i, 193. Gates of Justice, i, 338. Gazni, ii, 237 note. See Ghazni. Geildington, cross at, ii, 194. Gelathi. Armenia, capital at, ii, 474. Gelnliausen, palace at: arcade, ii, 45. Its chief features, 46. Particulars and view of the cluirch, 55. Genevieve, S., Paris, i, 24, .523. Geology, importance of Paheontology in the study of, i, -53, 54. George, S., Cologne, ii, 29. George's, S., Hall, Liverpool, i, 334 note. Gereon's S., Cologne, and English par- allel to, ii, 181. See Cologne. Gerizim, Mount, Justinian's Church on, ii, 435. Germain des Pres, S., Paris, in its origi- nal state, i, 523. Germany, round-arched Gotliic style of, i, 23. Character of its races, 444, ii, 1. Effect of Freemasonry, i, .530, ii, 2. Claim as to the Pointed style, 3. Leading characteristics of the Round style, 4. Basilicas, 5-30. Artistic metier of the Northern Germans, 21. Double churches, :32-34. Noteworthy peculiarities in German Gothic, 34. Circular and polygonal churches, 37- 43. Domestic architecture. Bound style, 44-52. Ecclesiastic examples. Pointed style, 53-80. Foible of Ger- man masons, 64. Circular cliurclies (Pointed style), church furniture, civil architecture, 81-88. Races and biald- ing materials of Nortli Germany, 89. Examples of brick architecture, 90- 98. A trick of its architects, 205. German artists brouglit to Moscow, 490. See ii, 140, 164, 197, 245, 320. Gernrode, basilican cliurcli at, ii, 12, 13. Gerum, Gotliland, early pointed door- way at, ii, 109. Gerona, Spain, vault in the cathedral at, ii, 151. Plan, 270. Interior, 271. Arcade, 284. Ghazan Khan, mosque founded by, ii, .551, 552. Ghazni, ii, 237 note. Gliengis Khan, ii, .551. Ghent, i, 589. Church of St. Bavon, .599. Belfry, 601. Town-hall, 603. Clotli-hall and boatmen's lodge, 605. Ghibellines and Guelfs; influence of their quarrels on Italian arcliitecture, ii, 322. Gibel Barkal, temples and pyramids at, i, 140-142. Gilles, S.. church of, i, 4.55, 460, ii, 185. Giorgio in Velabro, S., Roman basilican church, its date, i, 409. Giotto, campanile designed by, ii, 3.54. Giovanni a Porta Latina, S. , Roman ba- silican church, its date, i, 409. Giovanni Laterano, S., Roman basilican church, built, i, 409. Rebuilt, 410. Present state, 416. Original founder, 416. Cloister, ii, 389. Giralda, Seville, dimensions of the, ii, 530. View, .531. Gizeh, Pyramids at, see Pyramids. Gladiatorial exhibitions at Rome, i, 326. Glasgow Catlisdral, ii, 207-211. Glass, painted, see Painted glass. Glendalougli, seven churches at, ii, 229. St. Kevin's Kitchen, 231. Its date, 2.32. Window, 237, 238. Gloucester Cathedral, ii. 139. Clioir, 144, 145. Cloister, 146, 147. Nave, 152. W^estern entrance, 167. Anoma- lies of style, l(i8. Site. 171. Chapter- house, 172. Tomb of Edward II, 192, 194. Golden Gateways: Spalatro, i, 366. Je- rusalem, ii, 419, 420. Gollingen, horseslioe-arch crypt at, ii, 29. Gorlitz, Petri Kirclie at, ii, 80. Gothic architecture ; source of its beauty, i, 14. Massiveness, 17. French and English peculiarities contrasted, 22, 23. Proportion : naves, aisles, towers, spires, 29-31. Carved ornaments, 34, 35. Painted glass and sculpture, 37. Symmetry, liow far regarded. 39. Im- itation of Nature, 42. Effect of fif- teenth-centiny enthusiasm, 43. Con- clusion arrived at by the clergy, 47. Compared with Egyptian arcliitectm-e, 139. Element of superiority in Roman roofs, 320. Roman peculiarities em- ployed and improved upon, 320. Cause of its decadence, 375. An oasis