Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/634

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618 ROUHEIHA. ESTDEX. SELEUCID^. solids to area, 581. Compared with Cologne, ii, 62. Domestic architecture, i, 585. Rouheiha, Byzantine church at, ii, 424. Round churches. *See Circular churches. Round towers of Ireland, ii, 86. Pur- poses for which huilt, ii, 232. Ex- amples, 2o4-2o7. Royat, fortified church at, i, 495. Runic carving on Norwegian churches, ii, 117. Ruremonde, Belgium, church at, i, 593. Russiaii Mediaeval architecture, causes of the low character of, ii, 481, 482. Churches of Kietf, 483. Novogorod, 484. Tchernigow, 485. Village churches. 48(), 487. Kostroma, 488, 489. Troitzka monastery, 490. Mos- cow churches and bell-towers, 491, 493. Church al Kurtea, d'Argy- isch, 492. The K.t-ndin, its towers and gates, 493-496. Ruvo. li, 379. Sahina, S., basilican church, Rome, its date, i. 40th Sacraments, hiiuslein in German churches, ii, 82. Saccara. pyramid at, i. 100. Saint Clair, William, chapel erected by, ii, 215. Sainte Chapelle, Paris, i, 524, 533. Its proportions, 557. Painted glass and walls, .557. Saintes, double-arched Roman bridge at, 1, 339. Saints, disposal of the bodies of, 407. Salamanca Cathedral, ii, 250, 255. Lan- tern tower, 257. Section of cimborio, 258. Salisbury Cathedral, i, 24, 542. Plan, ii, 133. N. E. View, 164. Chapter- house, 172, 174. Proportions, 200. See ii, 138, 157, 167, 170. Salonica, ii, 416. Byzantine churches, 457. Salzburg, Franciscan church at, ii, 72. Arrangement, plan, etc., 72. Samarcand, ii, 561. Samos, Ionic temple at, i, 246. Samthawis, Armenia, Byzantine chapel, at, ii, 471. Niche, 47A Sandeo, Gothland, early pointed door- way at, ii, 108. Sandjerli, Armenia, church at, ii, 472. Santiago di Compostella, cathedral of: Plan, ii, 251. South transept, 251. Santoppen, brick church at, ii, ^4. View, 95. Saracens, adoption of the pointed arch by the, i, 448. 4.50. Their use of brick, ii, 91. Their practice in Spain, 278. Epoch of their style in Sicily, 398. Ex- ample in Palermo, 400. Their use of the horseshoe arch, 465, 466. Byzan- tine Saracenic style: Preliminary con- siderations, 497-500. Examples: Jeru- salem, 501-505. Damascus, .505. Cairo, .507-517. Mecca, 517. Barbary, 519. Spain, 522-536. Constantinople, 537- 547. Saracenic style in Persia, 518- 560. Saragoza, church of St. Paul at. ii, 281. Sardanapalus, i, 164. Tomb assumed to be his, 185. Sardis, i, 220. Tumulus near, 221, Ionic octastyle temple, 246. Sassanian architecture, i, 377, 378. Ex- amples: Palace of Al Iladhr, 378, 379. Mosque at Diarbekr, 381. Architec- tural practices of the Sassanians. 382. Palaces of Serbistan and Firouzabad, 383-385. Tak Kesra, ;385. :!K6. Saulcy, M. de, on the Jerusalem tombs, i, 356 note. Savonieres, Anjou, church at, i, 509. Saxham, Little, Suffolk, church tower of, ii, 182. Saxon architecture in England, foreign form analogous to, ii, 45. Examples of the true style where to be sought, 121. Architectural motto of the Saxons, 123. Remains in England, 125, 126. Mode of decoration, 129. Saxony, church architecture of, ii, .30, 77. Puttrich's work. 33. Scaligers, tombs at Verona of the, their form, etc., ii, 350, 351. Campanile, Palazzo Scaligeri, 352, 354. Scandinavia, form of Buddhism carried by Woden to, ii, 478. Scandinavian architecture, ii, 99, 118. See, ii, 181, 202. Schiavi, Terre dei, i, 345, 431. Schul porta, Saxony, church of, ii, 77. Schwartz Rheindorf, double church at, 11, 'jZ—O'i. Scipio, sarcophagus of , i, .342. Scotch church, Ratisbon. ii, 32. Scotland, architecture of, historical ob- servations, ii. 201-203. Examples: Leuehars, Jedburgh, and Kelso, 203- 205. Kirkwall, Glasgow, and Elgin, 20.5-213. Melrose Abbey and Roslyn Chapel. 21:3-217. Botliwell church, 218. Holyrood, Dunfermline, Dun- keld, Linlithgow, Edinburgh, Plus- cardine, lona, 218-225. Scott. George Gilbert, Eleanor cross reproduced by, ii, 194 note. Sculpture, .see Painting. Sebaste, church at. ii. 412. Sebastian. St., gate of. Columbarium near. i. 'PA4. Sebastopol, church cave near, ii, 479. Sedinga, temples of Amenophis at, i, 123.^ Segovia, Roman aqueduct at, i, 373. Elevation. 374. Cathedral, ii. 251, 274. Plan, 274. Church of St. Millan, with its lateral porticos, 258. The Templars' church, ibid. The Kasr, 286. Seleucida?, the, i, 378.