Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/639

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VIENNE. INDEX. WOODEX. 623 Vienne, cathedral of, i, 401, 504. Church of St. Anihe le Bas, 401, 40l'. Peculiar decoration of the church of St. Geuereux, 509. Villena, Spain, twisted columns in the chiu-ch at, ii, 274, 280. Villers, abbey church of, curious win- dow, i, 594. Vincennes. keep of, i, 580. Yincenzo, alle Tre Fontane, S., basili- can church, Rome, date of, i, 409. Its characteristics, 421. French counter- parts, 508, 509. Virgins of the Sun. Peru, house of the, ii, 584. View, 585. Vitale. S., octa2;onal church, Ravenna, i. :^47, 401, 434, ii, 38. Plan and sec- tion, 435. Copied by Charlemagne, 430. Vito, S., Roman sepulchre at, i, 345. Section, 345. Vitruvius, temples mentioned or de- scribed by, i, 205, 281, 282. Basilica built by him, 322. Mode of decora- tion reprobated by him, 372. Vladimir, cathedral and churches built by, ii, 483, 485. The city so named, 480. Vogiie, Comte Melchior de, on churches in Palestine and Syria, ii, 411, 410, 435, 450. Vulci, Cocumella tumulus at, i, 288, 289. Vyse, Colonel Howard, Egyptian re- searches of, i, 92, 95, Wady el-Ooatib, true character of the ruins at, i, 142. Wales, castles of, ii, 197. Walid, Caliph, mosques built by, ii, 505, 507. Walls: Assyrian, i, 102, 107. Pelasgian, 237. Peruvian, 587, 588. Walpole, Horace, impulse given to the revival of the Gothic style by, ii, 119. Walpole, St. Peter's, Norfolk, as a type of an Bnglish parish church, ii, 184. Walsinghara. Alan of, examples of the architectural genius of, ii, 134, 1.53, 179. Walsingham, New, Norfolk, roof of aisles, at, ii, 184. Waltham Cross, ii, 194. View, 190. Wandrille, S., Normandy, triapsal ora- tory at, i, 512. Wartburg, palace or castle on the, ii, 40, 47. Warwick Castle, ii, 197. Waterloo Bridge, i, 48. Wechselburg, rood-screen at, ii, 30. Wells Cathedral, ii, 02. A Norwegian resemblance, 103. Its towers, 107. Site, 171. Chapter-house, 175. Sculp- tures of the facade, 185. Measure- ments, 200. See 170. West, Bishop of Ely, tomb of, ii. 191. Westeroas, Sweden, churctv m:., ii. 101. Westminster Abbey, Frencn and Eng- lish elements in its design, ii, 122, 137. Apse, 133, 137. Plan, 138. Bays of nave, 154. - Painted glass, 158. Meas- urements, 200. .St^ 153, 202 )iote. Chapter-home, 172. Toiub.s : De Va- lence, 192. Edward III., 193. Chapel of Henry VII., 137. Aisle, 147. Peculiarity of design, 179. A Spanish counterpart, ,see 275. Westminster Bridge, i, 48. Westminster Hall,' roof of, ii, 140, 178, 183. Dimensions, plan, and section, 198. Westminster, St. Stephen's chapel, ii, 122. Roof, 140, 183. Internal eleva- tion, 178. Its destruction unwise, ibid. note. Plan, 178. Date, 177 note. Westphalian church architecture, ii, 21. Westrop, Mr. Hodder, suggestions by, ii, 87 note, 232. White Convent near Sioux, i, 405. Plan, 400. Wilkinson's "Ancient Architecture and Geology of Ireland," ii. 227 note. William the Conqueror, memorial church huilt by, i, 513. His tomb, 520. William I., of Sicily, building erected by, ii. 399. Willis, Professor, ii, 120 note. Winchester Cathedral, i, 18, ii, 131. Plan, 134. Pier arches, 151. Trans- formation of nave, 152. Window tracery, 102. Western entrance, 107. Anomalies of style, 170. Site, 171. Chapter-house, 172. Altar screen, 191. Bishop Gardiner's tomb, 191. Measurements, 200. Winchester School, ii, 197. AVindows and window tracery, i, 525. Painted glass, 520, 527. Eamples from French cathedrals, 505-509. Villers, 594. Cologne, ii, 51. Eng- lish examples, 120, 155-103. Scotland, 203, 210, 210, 221, 223. Irish round towers, 238. Spanish, 284. Italian, 301, 302, 300, 382. Byzantine, 451, 400. Saracenic, 511. Winds, tower of the, i, 247, 257. Dimen- sions and description, 270. Windsor Castle, ii, 197. St. George's Chapel: vaulting, 145, 147. Feature in the roof, 147. Its merits as a whole, 180. Wlsby, Gothland, early prosperity of, ii, 107. Holy Anders and other churches, 108. Wolsey's choir at Oxford, ii, 149. Hampton Court, 198. Woman's position among the various races: Turanians, i, 00. Semites, 00. Celts, 72. Aryans, 79. Wood, Mr., explorations of, 268. Wooden churches of Norway, ii, 110- 118. Of iiussia. 487. Wooden types copied in stone, i, 102, 225, 226, 228, ii, 429. Wooden roofs