Page:A History of Architecture in All Countries Vol 2.djvu/72

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Part II.

56 POINTED STYLE IN GERMANY. Part II. foundation of the old church of Sta. Helena, and grouped with the Dom or cathedral, it yields in interest to few churches in Germany. From these we may pass at once to two churches of well-authenticated date and of purely French style. The first, If that of St. Elizabeth at Marburg, whose ^ name has been already mentioned (p. 46) as adding interest and sanctity to tiie old castle on the Wartburg. Four years nfter her death she was canonized, and in the same year, 12.35, the founda- tion was laid of this beautiful church, Avhich was completed and dedicated forty- eight years afterwards, viz., in 1283. It is a small church, being only 208 ft. in length by 69 in width internally, and though the details are all of good early French style, it still exhibits several Germanisms^ being triapsal in plan, and the three aisles being 508. Plan of the Church at Mar- burg. (From Moller's " Denk- maler.") Scale 100 ft. to liu. 509. Section of Church at Marburg. Scale 50 ft. to 1 in.