Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 1.djvu/13

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CONTENTS. PAGE INTRODUCTION i— Ixi TO THE READER Ixiii— Ixiv CHAPTER I. THE GENERAL CHARACTER OF EGYPTIAN CIVILIZATION. § I. Egypt's place in the History of the World i — 2 § 2. The Valley of the Nile and its Inhabitants 2 — 16 § 3. The Great Divisions of Egyptian History 16 — 21 § 4. The Constitution of Egyptian Society — Influence of that Constitu- tion upon Monuments of Art 21 — 44 § 5. The Egyptian Religion and its Influence upon the Plastic Arts . . 44 — 69 § 6. That Egyptian Art did not escape the Law of Change, and that its History may therefore be written 70 — 89 § 7. Of the place held in this work by the Monuments of the Memphite Period, and of the Limits of our Inquiry 89 — 93 CHAPTER II. PRINCIPLES AND GENERAL CHARACTERISTICS OF EGYPTIAN ARCHITECTURE. § I. Method to be Employed by us in our Study of this Architecture . 94 — 96 § 2. General Principles of Form 96 — 102 § 3. General Principles of Construction. — Materials , 103 — 106 § 4. Dressed Construction 106 — 113 § 5. Compact Construction 113— 114 § 6. Construction by Assemblage 114 — 119 § 7, Decoration 119 — 125 VOL. I. b