Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 1.djvu/185

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General Principles of Form. lOT equal to each other both in average diameter and in height (Fig. 65). T-V Fig. 65.— From the second court of Medinet-Abou, Thebes. {Description, t. ii., pi. 6.) 2. The spaces, or voids, between columns of one size and similar design, may vary considerably (Fig. 66), and the entabla- tures which they support may differ greatly in height (Fig. 66). Fig. 66. — Ramesseum, Thebes. {Description deVEgypte, t. ii., pi. 28.) The proportional combinations of these elements are such that they cannot be methodically classified, and in this the architecture of Egypt is distinguished from that which we call classic. In Greek