Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 1.djvu/392

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502 A History of Art in Ancient Egypt. its immediate vicinity ; we find obvious traces of them in the city which then held the second place in Egypt, namely, in Memphis, where a son of the sovereign resided as viceroy. It was in the reign of Rameses II,, that the fourth of his hundred and seventy Fig, 194. — Stele in the Boulak Museum, showing tombs with gardens about them. From Maspero. children began what is now called the little Serapeum, in the neighbourhood of the Great Pyramids,^ Until then each Apis ' It is no part of our plan to describe this discovery, which did so much honour both to the perspicacity and the energy of Mariette, We refer all those who are interested in the matter to the article contributed by M, E. Desjardins to the Revue des Deux-Mondcs of March 15, 1874, under the title: Les Dkouvertes de