Page:A History of Art in Ancient Egypt Vol 2.djvu/160

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138 A History of Art in Ancient Egypt. instances in which those early explorers of Egypt excelled their successors in minute accuracy. 0^M ^r^^^m Fig. 112.— Part of the portico of the fir. t court, Luxor. From the Description, iii. 5- Fig. 113. — Portico in front of the facade of the temple of Gournah. From the Description, ii. 41. Here and there we find the spaces in a single row of columns increasing progressively from the two ends to the centre (Pig- 105). FiG. 114. — ^^Part of the Hypostyle Hall in the Great Temple at Kaniak. The combination of quadrangular with Osiride piers and of the latter with columns proper was also productive of great variety. In the speos of Gherf-H ossein six Osiride piers are inclosed by six of quadrangular section (Fig. 116). In the first court at