Page:A History of Art in Chaldæa & Assyria Vol 1.djvu/380

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358 A HISTORY OF ART IN CHALD/EA AND ASSYRIA. Taylor gives a complete list of the objects found in this tomb together with notes as to their exact position. Sometimes the covering is more simple in construction and has a domed top (Fig, 165). Elsewhere in the same necropolis FIG. 164. Tomb at Mugheir; from Taylor, numerous examples of a still more elementary form of burial were discovered. The skeletons of children were found between two hollow plates, and full grown bodies in a kind of double vase FIG. 165. Tomb at Mugheir ; from Taylor. into which they could only have been thrust with some difficulty and that after being doubled up. Still more often coffins were of the form shown in our Fig. 166. The diameter of these cylindrical jars was about two feet. The joint between them