Page:A History of British Birds (Yarrell 1843), vol 1.djvu/576

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528 TEMPORARY INDEX. PAGE Osprey 20 Snowy Owl PAGE 134 • Peregrine Falcon 32 Song Thrush 193 Pied Flycatcher 169 Sparrow Hawk 62 Pied Wagtail 362 Spotted Flycatcher 164 Ray's Wagtail 380 Stonechat 245 • Red-backed Shrike 154 Swallow-tailed Kite 71 Redbreast 227 Tawny Owl. 131 Red-footed Falcon 44 Tengmalm's Owl . 146 Redstart 237 Tree Pipit 384 • Redwing. 198 Tree Sparrow 469 Reed Warbler 269 Twite 521 Richard's Pipit 398 Wheatear 253 Ring Ouzle 206 Whinchat 249 • Robin. 227 White Owl . 126 Rock Pipit 394 White's Thrush 184 Rough-legged Buzzard 81 White-tailed Eagle 15 . Scops Owl 113 White Wagtail 369 • Sedge Warbler 265 Willow Warbler 302 Shore Lark 402 Windhover . 52 Short-eared Owl 121 Woodchat Shrike . 160 Siskin 496 Wood Lark 417 Sky Lark 409 Wood Warbler 297 Snow Bunting 425 Yellow Bunting 443

The Subscribers to this work are recommended to put the Eleven Parts, now published, into boards, to form a volume, with the temporary Title-page and Index herewith supplied. The SUPPLEMENT to the HISTORY OF BRITISH FISHES, by the same Author, is in preparation, and will be ready by the end of March.