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The following record was not known to me at the time when the chapter on the Endowments of the Church was written:

"To the Right Honourable the Commissioners for Compositions sitting at Goldsmith's Hall;

"The Humble Petition of the Inhabitants and Parishioners of the Parish of Cawthorne in the County of York

"Humbly sheweth,

"That by order of the Hon. Committee of Plundered Ministers £50 per ann. was granted out of the Profites of the Impropriate Rectory of Penistone to the Minister of Cawthorne aforesaid, the said Rectory lately belonging to the Earl of Arundell, but, the said Rectory out of which the same was to proceed being given by will for the mayntenance of a Free School and Hospitall at Sheffield, your Petitioners could never yet reape any benefitt by the said order, but the Premises are wholey employed accordinge to the direction of the said Will;

"That Sir Thomas Smith Knt. has settled the Hospitall of St. Andrewes of Donwall Co. Chester, of the value of £110 per ann. for 3 lives, for the use of the ministers of such places as this hon. committee shall appoint;

"That the Minister of Cawthorne hath already but £19 per ann., the said Parish beinge very greate and consistinge of above 400 communicants;

"Your Petitioners humbly pray that you will be pleased as in cases of like nature to graunte unto the said Minister of Cawthorne £50 per ann. for an increase of mayntenance to be paid out of the Hospitall of St. Andrews above named: And your Petitioners, &c., &c.

"Granted, 5 Oct., 1648."

Royalist Composition Papers: Vol. XII., 767.