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106 A HISTORY OF HINDI LITERATURE These disadvantages to the present development of Hindi literature are, however, being counteracted by- many favourable circumstances. The spread of educa- tion, with the prospect that the day is not far distant when it will be made compulsory, at least for boys, is helping to increase rapidly the number of those who can read. Moreover, the modern tendency to extend the franchise, and to give increased political responsibility to large numbers of the people of India will also make it necessary to acquaint them with various aspects of modern political, social, religious, and other questions. It is impossible with increasing education and enlighten- ment that a language which can be understood by over a hundred millions of people should not eventually develop a great modern literature, though it may not be easy to forecast the exact lines of its development. The existence of societies for the extension and improvement of Hindi literature is also a sign of great hope. The Ndgari Pracharini Sabhd, whose headquar- ters are at Benares, is doing most useful work. It conducts a systematic search for old manuscripts, and publishes many good editions of the older works of Hindi literature. It also issues many useful books in which a high standard is aimed at. It en- courages Hindi writers to produce original books and also to translate important books from European languages. Amongst other works it has under- taken the publication of a standard Hindi diction- ary in several volumes. Many others also are publishing the works of various Hindi authors, whose works up till now have existed only in manuscript, and have often been hardly known outside the particular sect to which the authors belonged. Trans- lations of many English and other works are being produced in great numbers, making it possible even for those who are unacquainted with English to gain some knowledge of the culture of the West. Moreover, books on subjects connected with politics, science, philosophy, morals, history, and religion are being constantly issued from the press. A great deal