Page:A History of Hindu Chemistry Vol 1.djvu/186

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Āragvadha   Cassia fistula.
Tilvaka   Symplocos racemosa.
Arka   Calotropis gigantea.
Snuhī   Euphorbia neriifolia.
Apāmārga   Achyranthes aspera.
Pātalā   Stereospermum suaveolens.
Naktamāla   Pongamia glabra.
Vrīsha   Justicia adhatoda.
Kadalī   Musa sapientum.
Chitraka   Plumbago zeylanica.
Pūtīka   Guilandina bonducella.
Indravriksha   Terminalia arjuna.
Āsphota   Salvadora persica.
Asvamāraka   Nerium odorum.
Saptachchhada   Alstonia scholaris.
Agni mantha   Premna serratifolia.
Gunjā   Abrus precatorins.
4 sorts of Kosā   4 varieties of Luffa amara."

Lixiviation of the Ashes

"Thirty two seers of ashes should be stirred or mixed with six times their quantity of water or cow's urine and the mixture strained through cloth. This should be repeated twenty-one times. The strained fluid should then be boiled slowly in a large pan and agitated with a ladle. When the fluid becomes clear,