Page:A History of Hindu Chemistry Vol 2.djvu/27

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ii in a few words, for it will lead us to a discus- sion of the origin" and development of Maha- yainism. Under ordinary circumstances we should have considered it beside our purpose to devote much space to this subject in a work dealing with the history of chemistry. But it so happens that the most prominent fig- ure in Indian alchemy, who is acknowledged on all hands to be the discovererof the processes of distillation, sublimation etc., is no other than the reputed founder of the Maidhyamika sys- tem of philosophy, the renowned Nzigrirjuna. A brief and rapid survey of the causes which led to the origin of Mahziyzinism and its inti- mate connection with the tenets of the Sivaite cult will be of help to us. It is one of the saddest episodes in the his- tory of the great religions of the world that the purity of life, right conduct. right living —in short, the moral code upon which their founders have always laid particular stress,. soon begin to occupy a subordinate position. and a dogmatic theology springs up in time, which gives occupation to the subtlest intellect.