Page:A History of Horncastle from the Earliest Period to the Present Time.djvu/28

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over-ran the land and themselves in turn over-mastered the Britons, driving them into Wales and Cornwall. The only matter of interest in connection with Horncastle, in this struggle between Saxon and Briton, is that about the end of the 5th century the Saxon King Horsa, with his brother Hengist, who had greatly improved the fort at Horncastle, were defeated in a fight at Tetford by the Britons under their leader Raengeires, and the British King caused the walls to be nearly demolished and the place rendered defenceless. (Leland's Collectanea, vol i, pt. ii, p. 509),

North-east corner of the Castle Wall, in Dog-kennel Yard.

The Saxons in their turn, towards the close of the 8th century, were harrassed by marauding incursions of the Danes,[1] which continued, though temporarily checked by Kings Egbert and Alfred, through many years, both

  1. The first Danish incursions into England were in A.D. 786 and 787, specially in Lincolnshire in 838. In 869 was fought the decisive battle of Threckingham in this county, which made the Danes paramount. The name Threckingham is said to be derived from the fact that 3 kings were slain in this battle, but we believe this to be an error, and that the place was the residence, the "ham" of the Threcginghas.